stanfordnlp / pyvene

Stanford NLP Python Library for Understanding and Improving PyTorch Models via Interventions
Apache License 2.0
545 stars 46 forks source link

[Bug-Fix] fix attention head intervention for multiple models #159

Closed Bakser closed 3 weeks ago

Bakser commented 1 month ago


Fix the bug reported in #158 by modifying the modeling scripts of gemma, gpt_neo, gpt_neox, llama, llava, mistral, mainly involving three points:

Testing Done

All tests passed.

'pyvene' is not installed.
PASS: pyvene is not installed. Testing local dev code.
=== Test Suite: VanillaInterventionWithTransformerTestCase ===
loaded model
./shared/nas2/wangxz/pyvene/pyvene/models/ DeprecationWarning: The 'warn' function is deprecated, use 'warning' instead
WARNING:root:Detected use_fast=True means the intervention location will be static within a batch.

In case multiple location tags are passed only the first one will be considered
.WARNING:root:Detected use_fast=True means the intervention location will be static within a batch.

In case multiple location tags are passed only the first one will be considered
.WARNING:root:Detected use_fast=True means the intervention location will be static within a batch.

In case multiple location tags are passed only the first one will be considered
./shared/nas2/wangxz/miniconda3/envs/llm/lib/python3.11/site-packages/huggingface_hub/ FutureWarning: `resume_download` is deprecated and will be removed in version 1.0.0. Downloads always resume when possible. If you want to force a new download, use `force_download=True`.
loaded model
.loaded model
model.safetensors: 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 548M/548M [00:02<00:00, 241MB/s]
loaded model
.loaded model
.loaded model
.loaded model
.loaded model
    "model_type": "None",
    "representations": [
            "layer": 0,
            "component": "mlp_output",
            "unit": "pos",
            "max_number_of_units": 1,
            "low_rank_dimension": null,
            "intervention_type": null,
            "intervention": null,
            "subspace_partition": null,
            "group_key": null,
            "intervention_link_key": null,
            "moe_key": null,
            "source_representation": "PLACEHOLDER",
            "hidden_source_representation": null
            "layer": 1,
            "component": "mlp_output",
            "unit": "pos",
            "max_number_of_units": 1,
            "low_rank_dimension": null,
            "intervention_type": null,
            "intervention": null,
            "subspace_partition": null,
            "group_key": null,
            "intervention_link_key": null,
            "moe_key": null,
            "source_representation": "PLACEHOLDER",
            "hidden_source_representation": null
            "layer": 2,
            "component": "mlp_output",
            "unit": "pos",
            "max_number_of_units": 1,
            "low_rank_dimension": null,
            "intervention_type": null,
            "intervention": null,
            "subspace_partition": null,
            "group_key": null,
            "intervention_link_key": null,
            "moe_key": null,
            "source_representation": "PLACEHOLDER",
            "hidden_source_representation": null
            "layer": 3,
            "component": "mlp_output",
            "unit": "pos",
            "max_number_of_units": 1,
            "low_rank_dimension": null,
            "intervention_type": null,
            "intervention": null,
            "subspace_partition": null,
            "group_key": null,
            "intervention_link_key": null,
            "moe_key": null,
            "source_representation": "PLACEHOLDER",
            "hidden_source_representation": null
    "intervention_types": "<class 'pyvene.models.interventions.VanillaIntervention'>",
    "mode": "parallel",
    "sorted_keys": "None",
    "intervention_dimensions": "None"
.loaded model
.loaded model
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Once upon a time there was a little girl named Lucy. She was three years old and loved to explore. One day, Lucy was walking in the park when
.loaded model
loaded model
.loaded model
loaded model
.loaded model
.sentencepiece is not installed. skipping
.loaded model
Directory './tmp/' already exists.
/shared/nas2/wangxz/pyvene/pyvene/models/ DeprecationWarning: The 'warn' function is deprecated, use 'warning' instead
WARNING:root:The key is provided in the config. Assuming this is loaded from a pretrained module.
.loaded model
.loaded model
.loaded model
.loaded model
.loaded model
Directory './test_output_dir_prefix-542c1b' already exists.
WARNING:root:The key is provided in the config. Assuming this is loaded from a pretrained module.
.loaded model
.loaded model
.loaded model
.Removing testing dir ./test_output_dir_prefix-542c1b
=== Test Suite: InterventionWithGPT2TestCase ===
loaded model
testing stream: head_attention_value_output with multiple heads positions
testing stream: head_query_output with multiple heads positions
testing stream: head_key_output with multiple heads positions
testing stream: head_value_output with multiple heads positions
.=== Test Suite: InterventionWithMLPTestCase ===
loaded model
......=== Test Suite: CausalModelTestCase ===
......=== Test Suite: IntervenableConfigUnitTestCase ===
loaded model
.=== Test Suite: InterventionUtilsTestCase ===
loaded model
.....Directory './test_output_dir_prefix-dbeab8' created successfully.
WARNING:root:The key is provided in the config. Assuming this is loaded from a pretrained module.
Directory './test_output_dir_prefix-5f226d' created successfully.
WARNING:root:The key is provided in the config. Assuming this is loaded from a pretrained module.
Directory './test_output_dir_prefix-da0f35' created successfully.
WARNING:root:The key is provided in the config. Assuming this is loaded from a pretrained module.
.Directory './test_output_dir_prefix-3a4b1e' created successfully.
.Directory './test_output_dir_prefix-23496a' created successfully.
.tensor([[1.9266e-05, 1.0024e+00, 1.4001e+01, 1.5001e+01, 1.6000e+01, 1.7000e+01],
        [6.0000e+00, 7.0024e+00, 2.0001e+01, 2.1001e+01, 2.2000e+01, 2.3000e+01]],
./shared/nas2/wangxz/pyvene/pyvene/models/ UserWarning: To copy construct from a tensor, it is recommended to use sourceTensor.clone().detach() or sourceTensor.clone().detach().requires_grad_(True), rather than torch.tensor(sourceTensor).
  mask_sigmoid = torch.sigmoid(self.mask / torch.tensor(self.temperature))
.........Removing testing dir ./test_output_dir_prefix-dbeab8
Removing testing dir ./test_output_dir_prefix-5f226d
Removing testing dir ./test_output_dir_prefix-da0f35
Removing testing dir ./test_output_dir_prefix-3a4b1e
Removing testing dir ./test_output_dir_prefix-23496a
Ran 71 tests in 33.548s



frankaging commented 1 month ago

@Bakser would you provide an unit test for one of the model type you changed? e.g., llama

thanks. i can add in a new unit test based on your script.

Bakser commented 1 month ago

Sure, I can help with that.

I'm not quite familiar with the unit tests of this repo. Do you mean something like the tests/integration_tests/ but for llama?

frankaging commented 1 month ago

Sure, I can help with that.

I'm not quite familiar with the unit tests of this repo. Do you mean something like the tests/integration_tests/ but for llama?

yes! that would be great! and you can initialize a much smaller llama for test! e.g., just a single layer llama for instance, since we want the unit test to be quick. thanks

frankaging commented 1 month ago

@Bakser hey! any updates on the progress? thanks!

Bakser commented 1 month ago

I didn't work on it on the weekend but I think I can finish it today. sorry for worrying

Bakser commented 1 month ago

I find that I underestimated the workload. I will try to finish it in a couple of days.

Bakser commented 3 weeks ago

@frankaging I've finished the test for Llama. Sorry for the delay since I was on travel.

Basically, I just copied the tests in into and added the implementations for Llama forward process into tests/ as like for GPT2 (but I do think if we want to implement tests for more models we need to split this file).

It can be run with python -m unittest tests.integration_tests.InterventionWithLlamaTestCase and the output should be like:

'pyvene' is not installed.
PASS: pyvene is not installed. Testing local dev code.
=== Test Suite: InterventionWithLlamaTestCase ===
You are using the default legacy behaviour of the <class 'transformers.models.llama.tokenization_llama.LlamaTokenizer'>. This is expected, and simply means that the `legacy` (previous) behavior will be used so nothing changes for you. If you want to use the new behaviour, set `legacy=False`. This should only be set if you understand what it means, and thoroughly read the reason why this was added as explained in
loaded model
testing stream: head_attention_value_output with multiple heads positions
testing stream: head_query_output with multiple heads positions
testing stream: head_key_output with multiple heads positions
testing stream: head_value_output with multiple heads positions
Ran 1 test in 37.738s

frankaging commented 3 weeks ago

@frankaging I've finished the test for Llama. Sorry for the delay since I was on travel.

Basically, I just copied the tests in into and added the implementations for Llama forward process into tests/ as like for GPT2 (but I do think if we want to implement tests for more models we need to split this file).

It can be run with python -m unittest tests.integration_tests.InterventionWithLlamaTestCase and the output should be like:

'pyvene' is not installed.
PASS: pyvene is not installed. Testing local dev code.
=== Test Suite: InterventionWithLlamaTestCase ===
You are using the default legacy behaviour of the <class 'transformers.models.llama.tokenization_llama.LlamaTokenizer'>. This is expected, and simply means that the `legacy` (previous) behavior will be used so nothing changes for you. If you want to use the new behaviour, set `legacy=False`. This should only be set if you understand what it means, and thoroughly read the reason why this was added as explained in
loaded model
testing stream: head_attention_value_output with multiple heads positions
testing stream: head_query_output with multiple heads positions
testing stream: head_key_output with multiple heads positions
testing stream: head_value_output with multiple heads positions
Ran 1 test in 37.738s


Thanks! @Bakser