stanfordnmbl / opencap-core

Main OpenCap processing pipeline
Apache License 2.0
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Bug ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 4, got 3) #164

Open RyougiChan opened 1 month ago

RyougiChan commented 1 month ago

We got this error when synchronizing keypoints, which invoked by the code below(in

# Synchronize keypoints.
pointList, confList, nansInOutList,startEndFrameList = synchronizeVideoKeypoints(
    pointList, confList, confidenceThreshold=confidenceThreshold,
    filtFreqs=filtFreqs, sampleFreq=frameRate, visualize=False,
    maxShiftSteps=2*frameRate, CameraParams=CamParamList_selectedCams,
    CameraDirectories=CameraDirectories_selectedCams, trialName=trialName)

We have found that in the function synchronizeVideoKeypoints, if the condition if not np.any(overlapInds_clean)(line 1015) is met, only 3 values are returned.

antoinefalisse commented 1 month ago

Thanks for reporting. Can you provide a session ID and trial name. We will try to reproduce and fix. THanks.

RyougiChan commented 1 month ago

Thanks for reporting. Can you provide a session ID and trial name. We will try to reproduce and fix. THanks. Of course, the session ID and trial name has been sent to your email