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Bloodmagic Hellfire Forge #414

Open Gunner76th opened 7 years ago

Gunner76th commented 7 years ago

TeamIHOC is working on a new modpack, and we have disabled the crafting and use of wooden, stone, and iron pickaxes. We have replaced them with tools from a mod called Primal Core created by mod author An Sar. Because of this, I am needing to edit recipes in the Hellfire Forge for the Sentient Pickaxe, Shovel, and Axe, as well as the Mining Reagent so that the recipes use the Primal Core tools instead of the vanilla ones. So far I have been unable to find any documentation as to how to change Hellfire Forge recipes since it has the 4 input slots on the left, the gem/will slot in the middle, and the output slot on the right.

In addition, there are several Penance Rituals that call for the use of the Stone Pickaxe that I need to change as well. Those are listed as being done in the Master Ritual Stone, with a 6 slot input on the left, a spot for the stone pickaxe in the middle, and the output slot on the right.

I am including screenshots of both of the recipes that I am needing to change so as to hopefully assist in explaining things.

2017-03-02_11 09 36 2017-03-02_11 09 31

Blue64 commented 7 years ago

First: Specifically I have zero idea what Version you are using to begin with, once that's figured out, we can figure out whether or not you need some kind of Add-On Mod (eg. ModTweaker in 1.7.10), and which Source Code to work with to supply you with the correct Commands.

Gunner76th commented 7 years ago

Which Mod are you trying to Edit? Blood Magic Which Version? BloodMagic-1.10.2-2.1.4-73.jar Which Version of MineCraft? 1.10.2 Which Version of Forge? 2281 Which Version of Java are you currently Using? Java 8 (not sure why this is relevant) What is your current Operating System? (aka OS [Operating System], aka iOS [internal Operating System]) multiple on clients, linux on server (Not sure why this is relevant) Are you running in Server or Client Mode? Both Are you trying to run this on a Server? Yes Are you trying to run this in Single Player? Players will be on their own time Which Version of MineTweaker are you using? (MineTweaker related) CraftTweaker-1.10.2-3.0.17.jar Do you have ModTweaker? (MineTweaker related) yes Which Version of ModTweaker? (MineTweaker + ModTweaker related) ModTweaker2-2.0.9.jar What is the current Script you are using? (MineTweaker + ModTweaker related) Cannot create, as no support is present for the Hellfire forge as listed on your official wiki Does that current Script currently Function as intended? (no Bugs/Errors/Crashes for that specific Script) (MineTweaker + ModTweaker related) No because script cannot be created due to no support for Hellfire Forge from Blood Magic as listed on your official wiki.

Blue64 commented 7 years ago
  1. Java Version: It's relevant because depending upon which version you are using, certian commands for Java might have been Depreciated/Removed/Created, so if you are on an Older/Newer Version, you might get problems when a Command that doesn't Exist gets Called, or perhaps they simply forgot to Update their Commands correctly, that happens sometimes, and such information can help them track it down, although I'm fairly sure your version was build in Java 8.

  2. Operating System: This is useful should they require specific formatting that was overlooked, for example, Line Returns between the 3 alone differ depending upon which you use.

    • Windows uses: Return + NewLine
    • Apple (Mac) uses: just Return
    • Unix (Linux) uses: just NewLine in addition to the File System being handled differently, between traversing the Folders to file creation, the commands can differ, and it all just builds up, it's like those pesky Semi-Colons at the end of each Line, it only takes 1 error to cause a massive failure, and when constructing things, this can cause cascading issues.
  3. Client/Server: I think you might have failed to understand the difference, they aren't mutually exclusive. There is a distinct difference between the two, as stated within the Java Guide on their Official Website (I don't have the Reference URL off hand, will likely include within an Edit), primarily the difference is the Garbage Collection Handling and the Resources required to Run it, where Server does (by Default) 10,000 Virtual Cycles on Initialization, Client only does 1,000 Virtual Cycles, this is tied into the OS question as well, as Windows relies upon the Version you have Installed (I for example have Windows 7, Java 8, Server Edition, even if I explicitly state +Client, I will still be in +Server Mode), whereas Linux (built in Unix) is capable of explicitly Defining which it desires to use, these are set via the Java Arguments in the Launcher. I can also see the point of view that eventually _some_body else who is on the version you're not on is going to likely desire the same functionality as well.

  4. Single Player: The difference between Server and Single Player is similar, but very Distinct (eg. Redstone Piston Elevators always work on Single Player, but ~50% on Servers), this is in addition to Servers using different Clients (such as the ever problematic KCauldron for 1.7.x), which can do things that make it difficult to impossible to fix certain things. I suppose I should be asking Which server you are trying to run it on as well, I'll be sure to add that to the list.

  5. Script: Have you tried asking around on the Forums and such to see if you are capable of locating someone who knows more about the Code API? in my past experiences, the Wiki is VASTLY underdeveloped as far as advanced actions, for example, the 1.7.x section has a single mention of loops, but *zero examples (and don't even get me started on the earlier versions! I also still have no idea how to create an account to update it.)

Also, on a Side Note, have you at least constructed some semblance of an Example Script, so you can at least have it at the Ready when it does become available?