stanhebben / MineTweaker3

Tweak your minecraft experience
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Minetweaker not starting up properly on a server. #433

Closed noahkra closed 5 years ago

noahkra commented 7 years ago

I'm running minetweaker 3 on a modded server and I get this in the log:

13.06 17:29:39 [Server] ERROR Caught exception from MineTweaker3 13.06 17:29:39 [Server] INFO java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: net.minecraft.item.crafting.CraftingManager.getInstance()Lnet/minecraft/item/crafting/CraftingManager; 13.06 17:29:39 [Server] INFO at ~[MCRecipeManager.class:?] 13.06 17:29:39 [Server] INFO at minetweaker.mc1710.MineTweakerMod.( ~[MineTweakerMod.class:?]

This is (I think) resulting in the recipes I added for our modpack not working on the server which is really throwing off the balancing of the mods.

I'm using version 3.0.10 (not the dev version). I'm actually really confused as I'm not using the dev version but am getting the crash people are getting with the dev version.

Here is a modlist of our pack:

EDIT: I should add that I tested the scripts in singleplayer and they all worked as intended.