star-bnl / star-sw

Core software for STAR experiment
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RHICf Run and Event number added in StRHICfCollection #544

Closed ggfdsa10 closed 1 year ago

ggfdsa10 commented 1 year ago

PR 1. StRHICfCollection for RHICf Run and Event Number

I will request 4 PRs for adding the RHICf run and event number, before the new STAR release 1) this PR 2) StRHICfDbMaker 3) StMuDstMaker/StRHICfRawHit and StRHICfUtil 4) StRHICfRawHitMaker

I believe reviewing these PRs is very simple and clear. Please review and approve this

Thank you, Seunghwan

genevb commented 1 year ago

Why do you need to propagate a run and event number, when these are already provided by StEvent? ...

  1. The RHICf detector has encoded a run and event numbering scheme that differs from the STAR scheme. If this is the case, why do we need to have two different run/event numbering schemes in our event data model? This is guaranteed to cause confusion in the future.

To expedite, I will try to summarize my understanding on behalf of the RHICf folks:

2 is correct, and this is because RHICf did take their own raw data outside of the STAR DAQ system. That raw data has its own runs and events. By including the RHICf run and event numbers in addition to the STAR run and event numbers that are already accessible in the DSTs, the RHICf group can correlate between findings they made through their own raw data investigations with what they get through the STAR framework.

klendathu2k commented 1 year ago is correct, and this is because RHICf did take their own raw data outside of the STAR DAQ system.

Thanks Gene. I thought that would be the case. Inclusion in the STAR event data model is reasonable, But it absolutely must be documented in the header file.

ggfdsa10 commented 1 year ago

Dear Jason, Thank you for your comments

and Gene, Thank you for your explanation on behalf of RHICf and me