star-bnl / star-sw

Core software for STAR experiment
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starver dev unable to locate module file #604

Closed jdbrice closed 7 months ago

jdbrice commented 7 months ago

Describe the bug

starver dev reports ModuleCmd_Load.c(213):ERROR:105: Unable to locate a modulefile for 'star-env-0.2.3-root-5.34.38'

To Reproduce

[rcas6009] ~/work/ssw/fwd-dev/> starver dev
ModuleCmd_Load.c(213):ERROR:105: Unable to locate a modulefile for 'star-env-0.2.3-root-5.34.38'

[rcas6009] ~/work/ssw/fwd-dev/> starver dev config/v0.3.0-rhel7-root5.34.38.config
ModuleCmd_Load.c(213):ERROR:105: Unable to locate a modulefile for 'star-env-0.2.3-root-5.34.38'

Expected behavior

no error message.

I am guessing this is related to the recent upgrade from 0.2.3 to 0.3

genevb commented 7 months ago

Hi, Daniel.

From what I can tell, version 0.2.3 was removed from CVMFS before DEV was rebuilt, so you were not alone in seeing the error.

I understand from Dmitri that he has updated CVMFS and that it should now build fine. So I started the rebuild process this afternoon and have found: 1) 64-bit builds fine 2) 32-bit fails to build StFwdTrackMaker due to failure to find GenFit/GFRaveVertexFactory.h

So, I can release DEV within an hour or two with StFwdTrackMaker available only in 64-bit, but not available in 32-bit. Is that acceptable for now (until Dmitri helps get GenFit working again in 32-bit)?


plexoos commented 7 months ago

Yes, will fix this issue

plexoos commented 7 months ago

until Dmitri helps get GenFit working again in 32-bit

Please open another issue with a how-to reproduce instructions. As of now I don't see any issues with GenFit. I was able to compile both 32 and 64-bit libs using star-env-0.3.0-root-5.34.38. Here is the setup I used:

setup 32b
#setup 64b
setenv NODEBUG yes
unsetenv _LMFILES_*
module purge
module use   /cvmfs/
#module use   /cvmfs/
module load star-env-0.3.0-root-5.34.38
#module load star-env-0.3.0-root-6.16.00
#module load star-env-0.3.0-root-6.24.06
setenv STAR $PWD
setenv PATH ${STAR_BIN}:${STAR}/mgr:${PATH}
plexoos commented 7 months ago

In case it is not clear, by setting the environment the way I set it up, I mimic the environment for building star-sw from scratch as for an official binary release. In his case, only files in the local directory are used.

genevb commented 7 months ago

Re-trying 32-bit this evening compiled fine. Whatever kept it from compiling earlier seems to have resolved itself.

32-bit, 64-bit, non-optimized, optimized, all built OK. DEV released. Give it a try, Daniel.


plexoos commented 7 months ago

I rebuilt the 0.3.0 environments over the weekend to eliminate any interference with the removed 0.2.3 in /cvmfs/star.

Compiling 32/64-bit libs or star-sw against those packages (in a private directory) worked for me in the both ROOT5 and ROOT6.16 environments.

If there are any issues, please let me know.

genevb commented 7 months ago

I also re-compiled DEV today with the latest star-spack from Dmitri in place. I had no issues either. Hopefully all is well.