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StMuDstMaker is not reading files properly #611

Closed cpclark210 closed 6 months ago

cpclark210 commented 6 months ago


I'm trying to use MuDst files from FastOffline of Run22 data to perform the BEMC calibration for my research group. The first set of code relies on the StMuDstMaker to read these MuDst files where their locations in RCF are specified in the a file list text file. I'm getting this error that reads:

StMuException #0 virtual void StMuDstMaker::read() No input files

and I get an empty root file as an output.

Currently, I'm compiling my code in the SL22c library because the person who provided me these files said to compile the code there, but I'm still getting that same error message. The current library SL23d doesn't work either.

The code I'm trying to use has worked for previous calibrations such as for Run15 and Run17 MuDst files, but they were all compiled under different software libraries. Is it possible that I'm not compiling the code under the correct library? What would be the correct library to compile in?

You can look at the log file I made that shows this error at /star/u/charlespc99/run_22/BEMC_Cal/testsite_SL22c/testsite_SL22c.log. The macro script that I'm using is in the same directory as the log file above and it's called bemcCalibMacro.C. All of the inputs that I'm using for the macro is specified inside of it and those inputs are also in my testsite_SL22c directory.

Hope to hear a response soon on any solutions to this problem. Thanks in advance.

-Charlie Clark