star3am / hashiqube

HashiQube - The Ultimate Hands on DevOps Lab Using All the HashiCorp Products
MIT License
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Readme updates #10

Closed badj closed 8 months ago

badj commented 8 months ago

Updated Readme with:

  1. Hyperlink embedding.
  2. Readme readability improvements.
  3. Contributor updates.

Requesting approval from @star3am for most recent updates to be merged into hashiqube:master upstream master πŸ‘ / πŸ‘Ž πŸš€

Testing Notes (testing completed and passed):

  1. βœ… Project building test passed without NO errors reported during build with: vagrant up --provision and all web apps starting up and accessible as expected:
    ==> hashiqube0: Running provisioner: welcome (shell)...
    hashiqube0: Running: inline script
    hashiqube0: HashiQube has now been provisioned, and your services should be running.
    hashiqube0: Below are some links for you to get started.
    hashiqube0: Local documentation http://localhost:3333 Open this first.
    hashiqube0: Hashiqube status http://localhost:3001 and login with Username: admin and Password: P@ssw0rd
    hashiqube0: Online documentation
    hashiqube0: Vault http://localhost:8200 with Initial Root Token: hvs.KADYQsHAZJtKIIu0vvvus4n8
    hashiqube0: Consul http://localhost:8500
    hashiqube0: Nomad http://localhost:4646
  2. βœ… Cross-browser testing completed for change-set: : a. βœ… Tested passed with the latest version of Chrome on Desktop and responsive for light and dark mode b. βœ… Tested passed with the latest version of Firefox on Desktop and responsive for light and dark mode c. βœ… Tested passed with the latest version of Safari on Desktop for light and dark mode