star3am / hashiqube

HashiQube - The Ultimate Hands on DevOps Lab Using All the HashiCorp Products
MIT License
71 stars 16 forks source link

Update #11

Closed badj closed 8 months ago

badj commented 8 months ago

Finalised readme updates for feedback with the latest updates merged from upstream master.

Updated Readme with

  1. Readme readability improvements
  2. Hyperlink/embedding improvements
  3. Contributor updates

Requesting approval from @star3am

NOTE: The previous PR was closed as some of the Jenkins updates from from hashiqube:master upstream master wasn't merged into my fork πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

Testing notes

Smoke testing completed and passed

βœ… Project building tests passed:

==> hashiqube0: Running provisioner: welcome (shell)...
    hashiqube0: Running: inline script
    hashiqube0: HashiQube has now been provisioned, and your services should be running.
    hashiqube0: Below are some links for you to get started.
    hashiqube0: Local documentation http://localhost:3333 Open this first.
    hashiqube0: Hashiqube status http://localhost:3001 and login with Username: admin and Password: P@ssw0rd
    hashiqube0: Online documentation
    hashiqube0: Vault http://localhost:8200 with Initial Root Token: hvs.KADYQsHAZJtKIIu0vvvus4n8
    hashiqube0: Consul http://localhost:8500
    hashiqube0: Nomad http://localhost:4646

βœ… Cross-browser testing completed for change-set: