star3am / hashiqube

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Consul 1.18.0 fails to start with failed to configure SCADA provider user's home directory path: $HOME is not defined #23

Closed star3am closed 3 months ago

star3am commented 3 months ago

Overview of the Issue

Consul 1.18.0 does not start, and gives error: failed to init scada: failed to configure SCADA provider: failed to retrieve user's home directory path: $HOME is not defined

Consul 1.17.3 starts up fine Reproduction Steps

Install Consul 1.18.0 and issue start consul sudo service consul start I used Ubuntu 22.04 ARM64

Steps to reproduce this issue, eg:

Install Consul Start Consul ==> failed to init scada: failed to configure SCADA provider: failed to retrieve user's home directory path: $HOME is not defined

Install Consul Start Consul Consul Starts fine

primary_datacenter = "dc1" client_addr = "" bind_addr = "" advertise_addr = "" data_dir = "/var/lib/consul" datacenter = "dc1" disable_host_node_id = true disable_update_check = true leave_on_terminate = true log_level = "INFO" server = true ports = { grpc = 8502 dns = 8600 http = 8500 https = 8501 } connect { enabled = true

enable_mesh_gateway_wan_federation = true

} enable_central_service_config = true protocol = 3 raft_protocol = 3 recursors = [ "", "", ] server_name = "hashiqube0.service.consul" ui_config { enabled = true }

telemetry { prometheus_retention_time = "24h" disable_hostname = true }

Operating system and Environment details

Linux ARM64 Log Fragments

==> failed to init scada: failed to configure SCADA provider: failed to retrieve user's home directory path: $HOME is not defined

star3am commented 3 months ago

Issue has been fixed upstream, closing