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Nomad Job driver for Exec #34

Closed RupertBothma closed 4 weeks ago

RupertBothma commented 1 month ago

In the setup: it is set to enable raw_exec

plugin "raw_exec" { config { enabled = true } }

But if you try run a job with nomad it is saying missing drivers error.


    task {
      driver = "raw_exec"

Is there some other config required ?

RupertBothma commented 1 month ago

sorry forgot to mention my versions: Vagrant 2.4.1 Docker for Desktop on Mac: 4.24.2 Nomad 1.7.7

star3am commented 1 month ago

Hi @RupertBothma - I have added an example Nomad job for using Exec driver. Have a look here and let me know if that helps.