starburstgem / starburst

In-app announcements to users in your Rails app
MIT License
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Feedback and some possible 'polish' enhancements #2

Closed kemallette closed 9 years ago

kemallette commented 9 years ago

First, I wanted to pop in and say keep up the great work! I haven't gotten far enough along with my current projects to start implementing this type of functionality, but I will be looking for options like this in the near future and definitely keeping an eye on this to fill the role.

As I'm sure you're all very aware, the default flash notice behavior and styling is almost always inadequate (definitely for consumer facing projects). A great way to add some 'polish' to help keep our more 'design-challenged' dev colleagues from pissing off designers more than usual ;) could be to add some additional styling and behavior options.

As an example, I've used Snackbar.js in a project recently to address both concerns with flash notices and it's been a big hit all around. Sadly, I'm swamped and will have to be that guy and just offer this feedback/suggestion issue without a gist or small pull request to contribute for now. :(

However! If this ends up being what I use to fill this role in any current projects, I'll be sure to pay it forward and offer a contribution (gist or PR) on whatever is most appropriate by then. Again, thanks for helping make the Rails ecosystem awesome. :)

csm123 commented 9 years ago

That's a great point - I am still trying to figure out how involved Starburst gets in the presentation of the actual announcements. Most likely, I'll go after admin features next, to make it easier for site admins to maintain announcements. In parallel, though, I might add documentation to help developers use whatever technology they'd like to present the announcement - the capability is there for a dev to use his or her own view helpers; it's just not documented yet.

Thanks for your ideas - I hope we can incorporate them over time!