stardot / b-em

An opensource BBC Micro emulator for Win32 and Linux
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Porting b-em to libretro? #162

Open jeremyrayner opened 2 years ago

jeremyrayner commented 2 years ago

Hiya, After seeing kilog have success with stripping down b-em to the essentials for the Raspberry Pi Pico ( ) and the latest Pi Zero 2 W, it shows us that even the most basic handheld/pi could run a version of b-em with excellent results.

With so many 'classic micro' collections being made today, with easy to use menus and many different hardware platforms, the Beeb appears to be left behind for the 'general public (at least those who play emulators)', and at the root of this, I think it might be because no Beeb emulator that I know about has interfaced closely with the 'libretro' APIs that seem to be quite successful out in the wild.

Has anybody looked at already or would be interested in porting a version of b-em over to use the libretro API, which provides a lightweight abstraction of the graphics, audio etc. The details on what changes would be required are here

It would be so wonderful to have something like this, as it would open up b-em to be able to run within many mainstream emulator collections. Thanks for your time

Cheers Jez (aka j6wbs on stardot)

jeremyrayner commented 2 years ago

The libretro team seem to be engaging with the idea of bringing the Beeb to use libretro and I think they would be responsive if you need to ask any questions about the API at

SuperBadger77 commented 2 years ago

Anyone had a chance to look at this yet?

jhob101 commented 2 years ago

I really hope something happens with this, I would love to be able play the BBC (well, Acorn Electron really...) games from my childhood via RetroArch.

Ploggy commented 2 years ago

Another raised hand here for a Libretro port :) please and thank you..

SuperBadger77 commented 2 years ago

Having just used version 8.0 of Recalbox - they now have BeebEm as a core: Would this in any way help with the case for B-em to be used in RetroArch \ Libretro?

One of the contributors on RetroArch \ Libretro has raised concerns about the usage of a BBC Micro emulator due to the licensing - would you be able to give permission to them to use your emulator \ core?

stuaxo commented 1 month ago

Does anyone have links where other emulators have been ported to retroarch, I think it's definitely a little work.

Alternately, can we put together some sort of bounty for the work somehow?

SuperBadger77 commented 1 month ago

Does anyone have links where other emulators have been ported to retroarch, I think it's definitely a little work.

Alternately, can we put together some sort of bounty for the work somehow?

There are guides on the retroarch and libretto websites on how to create cores and examples.

I would happily put towards a bounty to get this done. Putting a bounty on it is something I’ve thought about in the past, but had no idea how or where the best place to do it from was. Any ideas?

SuperBadger77 commented 1 month ago

Does anyone have links where other emulators have been ported to retroarch, I think it's definitely a little work.

Alternately, can we put together some sort of bounty for the work somehow?

SuperBadger77 commented 1 month ago

Does anyone have links where other emulators have been ported to retroarch, I think it's definitely a little work.

Alternately, can we put together some sort of bounty for the work somehow?

Just found out they do have a bounty page:

I might create one for BBC - interested in contributing?

stuaxo commented 1 month ago

Sounds good, how does it work (the donation part and also paying out, if for instance multiple people contribute ?

SuperBadger77 commented 1 month ago

Sounds good, how does it work (the donation part and also paying out, if for instance multiple people contribute ?

Not sure yet. I'll raise it on the Lib Retro forum, but I think you also post the actual bounty on I'll try to get round to posting it tomorrow and report back - if other people can add to my bounty that would be great. I think there would be 1 or 2 others interested in contributing (maybe). Will keep you posted.

Ploggy commented 1 month ago

Dont use Bounty Source they will likely keep your donations. :/

SuperBadger77 commented 1 month ago

Added a bounty:

SuperBadger77 commented 1 month ago

Dont use Bounty Source they will likely keep your donations. :/

Oh good to know - the site is down for me anyways at the moment. I'll see if my bounty discussion generates any interest, if it moves forwards will see how to officially set the bounty.

stuaxo commented 1 month ago

Once we work out the details (or if it gets implemented), I can put in £50 - not loads, but something.

sedgewulf commented 1 month ago

I’d pitch in 50 too.

Ploggy commented 1 month ago

Dont use Bounty Source they will likely keep your donations. :/

Oh good to know - the site is down for me anyways at the moment. I'll see if my bounty discussion generates any interest, if it moves forwards will see how to officially set the bounty.

Yea, we setup a $470 Bounty for a WiiU PS1 Dynarec and its gone :(

stuaxo commented 1 month ago

Wow, so given the above I saw they have a timeout after which it looks like they just keep the money

If this was more widely known, why would anyone use bountysource.

There are all sorts of bugs that lie open for more than two years.

SuperBadger77 commented 1 month ago

Wow, so given the above I saw they have a timeout after which it looks like they just keep the money

If this was more widely known, why would anyone use bountysource.

There are all sorts of bugs that lie open for more than two years.

That’s some shady behaviour. Keeping people’s money after a timeout.

stuaxo commented 1 month ago

We could try, it's what SerenityOS uses.

We should read the terms though, I was fairly shocked that bountysource just keeps the money if nothing happens for two years.