stardot / beebasm

A portable 6502 assembler with BBC Micro style syntax
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Support for string values and many of BBC BASIC's string functions #56

Closed mungre closed 2 years ago

mungre commented 3 years ago

The README has the new functions.

There's still no way of using a string as an assembler mnemonic or an addressing mode, which I know some people would like. This could be handled with an ASSEMBLE command which takes two strings (the mnemonic and the parameters) and assembles them. Anyway, that's something that could be built on this.

This is quite a big change so comments are very welcome.

ZornsLemma commented 3 years ago

I can't figure out what local-forward-branch-3 is testing either. I haven't tried bisecting this fully, but it does build just fine with the commit immediately before the test case was added, and with v1.08 as well. If I had to guess I'd suspect there was a problem with beebasm using abs instead of zp addressing in macros at some point (probably as a side-effect of some other change I made regarding scoped variables), but I really can't be sure.

I think we should probably remove all the local-forward-branch-* tests from the examples directory (as I did on ZornsLemma/testing). My gut feeling would be to keep local-forward-branch-3 as a test just in case, but if you want to get rid of it I won't be too upset.

(Is the old retro software forum still around? I know it's superficially present on stardot, but I was trying to find some beebasm posts I made about structured assembler way back and I couldn't find them on there, so I'm not sure it's complete. If it is about, there might well be a post from me on there about local-forward-branch-3.)

I can't see any obvious downside to changing the way print displays large integers, but of course it's hard to rule out someone using this in a way that will get broken.

I hadn't really thought about & and % generating negative numbers until now. It doesn't sound like a bad idea to make % consistent with & but of course someone could have written some code which depends on it; my gut feeling is that isn't very likely but I really don't know.

Perhaps the best suggestion I could offer would be to make it consistent and post to stardot mentioning it in passing; probably no one will care, and if they do at least you haven't sneaked an incompatible change in without mentioning it.

Edit: OK, I'll do the same. :-)

mungre commented 3 years ago

I fixed the undefined shift behaviour, but I realised I can't do logical shift right because value>>>shift already means value>>(>shift). The arithmetic shift right is quite weird. For example &80000000>>5=-&4000000. As values to be shifted, numbers with bit 31 set are treated as negative.