stardustmeg / greenshop

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[sprint_3] 🎯 Issue RSS-ECOMM-3_05: Implement Search Functionality for Product List Using commercetools API (20 points) #141

Closed stardustmeg closed 5 months ago

stardustmeg commented 6 months ago

🎯 Issue RSS-ECOMM-3_05: Implement Search Functionality for Product List Using commercetools API (20 points)

πŸ“‹ Description

The application should have an efficient πŸ”Ž and user-friendly search feature that allows users to quickly find and display relevant products based on their search query. This search functionality should be implemented using the commercetools API.

πŸ”¨ Implementation Details

  1. Search Input Field: Provide a text input field πŸ“ where users can type their search queries. This field should be visible and easily accessible on the product list page.
  2. Search Functionality: Implement a search function that uses the user's input to find and display matching products from the commercetools API. The function should handle different cases (e.g., uppercase πŸ” , lowercase πŸ”‘) and partial matches.

🎨 Visual Implementation Ideas

  1. Input Field Design: The search input field should be visible and accessible. It should be designed in a way that suggests its function (e.g., with a magnifying glass πŸ” icon).
  2. Search Result Indication: Display search results in a clear and organized manner. You might want to highlight the matching text in the product name or description.

βœ… Acceptance Criteria

πŸ”— Useful Links and Resources

  1. Commercetools API documentation
  2. Commercetools API endpoint for searching product list
stardustmeg commented 6 months ago

[sprint_3] 🎯 Issue RSS-ECOMM-3_05: Implement Search Functionality for Product List Using commercetools API (20 points)