starekrow / lockbox

Encrypted storage with built-in key management facilities
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remove dependency on php serialize #31

Open KJLJon opened 6 years ago

KJLJon commented 6 years ago

This is less of an issue with the KeyDrop (#27) but if KeyDrop isn't use it would be nice to create this code in a different language and use the same keys.

Right now it is using php serialize which can probably be replaced with json_encode / json_decode

starekrow commented 6 years ago

I used serialize advisedly, because JSON is utterly useless for binary strings unless you pre-encode them and secret tokens are fairly likely to contain such strings. Eventually it should be migrated to msgpack or some other less language-specific binary encoding. That's one reason for the encoding type prefix (that "p" there).

Though actually, I wouldn't mind trying to pre-flight a conversion to JSON ("j" prefix) and fall back to serialize only if the value contains non-UTF8 strings.

alexmanno commented 6 years ago

We can use strategy pattern (

For example:

interface SerializerInterface { 
public function serialize();
public function unseiralize();

class PHPSerializer implements SerializerInterface { /* implementation */ }

class JsonSerializer implements SerializerInterface { /* implementation */ }

class Secret
     // ....
     public function __constructor(SerializerInterface $serializer, $value, $_import = null)
     // ...