starfederation / datastar

A real-time hypermedia framework.
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A way to react to Media Queries #307

Open Superpat opened 5 hours ago

Superpat commented 5 hours ago

Here's a first idea:

<p data-media-query="{large: `(min-width: ${mySignal.value}px)`}">
    <span data-show="large.value">Large</span>
    <span data-show="!large.value">Small</span>

This could be combined with a signal watcher to run an expression when the value of the media query changes, though I cant remember if we have an easy way to do that.

Superpat commented 5 hours ago

My main use case is toggling the open attribute on <details> and <dialog> elements, but I'm sure people will find other uses.

Superpat commented 5 hours ago

This page would probably be useful for whomever attempting an implementation:

The screen change event might be a good way to do it too: but it would require a polyfill on firefox and ios.