Open toptobes opened 1 week ago
Example (text is partition key; int is clustering key):
await table.insertMany(Array.from({ length: 10 }, (_, i) => ({ text: key, int: i }))); await table.deleteOne({ text: key, int: { $ne: 5 } }); for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (i === 5) { assert.deepStrictEqual(await table.findOne({ text: key, int: i }, { projection: { text: 1, int: 1 } }), { text: key, int: i }); } else { assert.deepStrictEqual(await table.findOne({ text: key, int: i }), null); } }
the fix is probably making sure that we check there is a filter on every column in the OK, which we do, and also check that the operations is $eq (probably not checking the operation)
also for updateOne
Example (
is partition key;int
is clustering key):