stark / Color-Scripts

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How to make all scripts execute randomly in fish shell? #21

Open GeorgeVivanov opened 3 years ago

GeorgeVivanov commented 3 years ago

I'm using fish shell as a default shell, but i couldn't figure out how to link all executable files so that every time i open my terminal some of than to execute randomly.

faedy2 commented 3 years ago

set -l splash (find ~/.config/fish/scripts/Color-Scripts/ -type f | shuf -n 1) && $splash This is what I did The command will execute a random script from the Color-Scripts directory Just put this command in your fish config file, and it will run a random script in each new terminal 😃

Sayan-Manna commented 2 years ago

set -l splash (find ~/.config/fish/scripts/Color-Scripts/ -type f | shuf -n 1) && $splash This is what I did The command will execute a random script from the Color-Scripts directory Just put this command in your fish config file, and it will run a random script in each new terminal 😃

how to do it on zsh?