I downloaded from aur makepkg, makepkg -i => the siji.pcf is in the /usr/share/fonts/misc
xlsfonts | grep siji
/usr/share/siji/view.sh works as expected BUT fc-list | grep Wuncon or fc-list | grep -i siji returns nothing.
I did fc-cache -fv already. I'd like to use your fonts for polybar. Do you have any clue about what's going ?
I use arch linux (I did a pacman -Syu already)... Other fonts I download are detected as expected.
I downloaded from aur makepkg, makepkg -i => the siji.pcf is in the /usr/share/fonts/misc
/usr/share/siji/view.sh works as expected BUT fc-list | grep Wuncon or fc-list | grep -i siji returns nothing. I did fc-cache -fv already. I'd like to use your fonts for polybar. Do you have any clue about what's going ? I use arch linux (I did a pacman -Syu already)... Other fonts I download are detected as expected.