starkware-libs / cairo

Cairo is the first Turing-complete language for creating provable programs for general computation.
Apache License 2.0
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Typo Update #6693

Closed mdqst closed 3 hours ago

mdqst commented 5 hours ago


This pull request fixes a minor but potentially confusing typo in the "View in PDF" section of the documentation.


In the final command under "Convert to PDF," there was an unnecessary backtick (`) at the end of the command:

asciidoctor-pdf src/*.adoc`  


The command has been corrected by removing the stray backtick:

asciidoctor-pdf src/*.adoc  

Importance of Fix:

  1. Clarity: Ensures readers can copy-paste the command directly without encountering syntax errors.
  2. User Experience: Reduces confusion for users, especially those new to using asciidoctor-pdf.
  3. Consistency: Maintains professional and error-free documentation.


Please review and merge this fix to improve the documentation's accuracy.

reviewable-StarkWare commented 5 hours ago

This change is Reviewable