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Explore "hash & cache" RNG #243

Closed cliffckerr closed 7 months ago

cliffckerr commented 8 months ago

Potentially a way to generate random numbers without having to generate extra.

See also

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daniel-klein commented 8 months ago

Is there a specific generator you have in mind here, or a more general/efficient approach to using any RNG?

cliffckerr commented 7 months ago

Numpy's RNG has much better performance than SciPy, including frozen:

import numpy as np
import sciris as sc
import scipy.stats as sps

reps = int(1e3)
size = int(1e5)

with sc.timer('frozen'):
    unif = sps.uniform(loc=4, scale=6)
    for i in range(int(reps)):

with sc.timer('regular'):
    for i in range(int(reps)):
        sps.uniform.rvs(loc=4, scale=6, size=size)

with sc.timer('numpy'):
    rng = np.random.default_rng()
    for i in range(int(reps)):
        rng.uniform(low=4, high=10, size=size)

# frozen: 0.437 s
# regular: 0.436 s
# numpy: 0.267 s
cliffckerr commented 7 months ago

Code for testing lognormal distributions:

import sciris as sc
import numpy as np
import pylab as pl
import scipy.stats as sps

ss2 = sc.importbypath('/home/cliffk/idm/starsim2/starsim') # Version 0.2.8
ss1 = sc.importbypath('/home/cliffk/idm/starsim/starsim', 'ss1') # Version 0.3.0

n = 10000
a = 0.5
b = 0.5
seed = 4


s1_ln = ss1.lognorm_o(a, b, seed=seed, strict=False)
s1_ln2 = ss1.lognorm_u(a, b, seed=seed, strict=False)

s2_ln = ss2.lognorm(a, b)
s2_ln2 = ss2.lognorm_mean(a,b)

np_ln = np.random.default_rng()
sp_ln = sps.lognorm(a, np.exp(b))

mapping = sc.objdict({
    's1: lognorm_o': s1_ln.rvs(n),
    's1: lognorm_u': s1_ln2.rvs(n),
    's2: lognorm': s2_ln.rvs(n),
    's2: lognorm_mean': s2_ln2.rvs(n),
    'np: lognormal': np_ln.lognormal(a, b, size=n),
    'sps: lognorm': sp_ln.rvs(n),

for i,key,val in mapping.enumitems():
    pl.hist(val, bins=101)
    pl.title(key + f' {val.mean():n}')
    pl.xlim(left=0, right=50)
cliffckerr commented 7 months ago

np.random.random() is 2.5x faster than np.random.binomial() and 3.8x faster than sps.bernoulli():

import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as sps
import sciris as sc

reps = range(10_000)
size = 10_000
p = 0.1

rng = np.random.default_rng()
ber = sps.bernoulli(p)

T = sc.timer()

for r in reps:
    r = rng.binomial(1, p, size=size)'binomial')

for r in reps:
    r = rng.random(size=size) < p'random')

for r in reps:
    r = ber.rvs(size=size)'bernoulli')

t = sc.objdict(T.timings)
print('binomial/random:', t.binomial/t.random)
print('bernoulli/random:', t.bernoulli/t.random)

binomial: 0.594 s
random: 0.240 s
bernoulli: 0.911 s
binomial/random: 2.477583347658078
bernoulli/random: 3.7954794086347907
cliffckerr commented 7 months ago

Code for checking on which timestep two sims diverge:

import sciris as sc
import starsim as ss

pars = dict(diseases='sir', networks='embedding', n_agents=2000, verbose=0, rand_seed=1)

s1 = ss.Sim(pars, label='s1')
s2 = sc.dcp(s1)
s2.label = 's2'

def check_states(s1, s2, die=False):
    d1 = s1.dists.dists
    d2 = s2.dists.dists
    keys = d1.keys()
    matches = sc.objdict()
    mismatches = sc.objdict()
    for key in keys:
        d1s = d1[key].state
        d2s = d2[key].state
        match = d1s == d2s
        assert id(d1s) != id(d2s)
        matches[key] = match
        if not match:
            mismatches[key] = sc.objdict(s1=d1s, s2=d2s)
    if die: assert len(mismatches) == 0
    return matches, mismatches

matches, mismatches = check_states(s1, s2, die=True)

for i in range(10):
    sc.heading('Timestep', i)
    matches, mismatches = check_states(s1, s2)
    matches, mismatches = check_states(s1, s2)
    out = ss.diff_sims(s1, s2, full=True, output=True)
    # assert np.allclose(s1.summary[:], s2.summary[:], rtol=0, atol=0, equal_nan=True)
cliffckerr commented 7 months ago

Closed by #392

cliffckerr commented 7 months ago

Hash & cache is actually slower than generating new random numbers:

import numpy as np
import sciris as sc
import numba as nb

def make_rand1(n):
    return np.random.random(n)

def make_rand2(n):
    out = np.empty(n)
    for i in range(n):
        out[i] = np.random.rand()
    return out

# @nb.njit
def make_rand3(rands, n):
    return rands[np.arange(n)]

reps = 100
n = int(1e6)

rng = np.random.default_rng()
rands = np.random.random(int(1e7))

with sc.timer('numpy'):
    for rep in range(reps):

with sc.timer('numba1'):
    for rep in range(reps):

with sc.timer('numba2'):
    for rep in range(reps):

with sc.timer('numba3'):
    for rep in range(reps):
        make_rand3(rands, n)

# numpy: 0.225 s
# numba1: 0.249 s
# numba2: 0.251 s
# numba3: 0.258 s
cliffckerr commented 7 months ago

Actually it is about 3x faster, up to 1 million numbers:

import numpy as np
import sciris as sc
import pylab as pl

rng = np.random.default_rng()

reps = 100
rands = rng.random(int(1e8))
nlist = [int(10**n) for n in np.arange(1,7.5,0.5)]

d = dict()
d['x'] = []
d['r1'] = []
d['r2'] = []

T1 = sc.timer()
T2 = sc.timer()

for n in nlist:

    for rep in range(reps):

    for rep in range(reps):

d = sc.objdict(d)

pl.loglog(d.x, d.r1, 'o-', label='np.random.rand(n)')
pl.loglog(d.x, d.r2, 'o-', label='rands[np.arange(n)]')
pl.xlabel('Number of numbers')
pl.ylabel('Time (s)')

for i in range(len(d.x)):
    print(f'{d.x[i]:12,}: {d.r1[i]/d.r2[i]:n}')

          10: 0.29537
          31: 1.19883
         100: 1.27228
         316: 1.50857
       1,000: 2.09693
       3,162: 2.69544
      10,000: 2.83491
      31,622: 2.92843
     100,000: 2.79662
     316,227: 2.9385
   1,000,000: 2.63949
   3,162,277: 0.893016
  10,000,000: 1.15067


(NB: y-axis is for 100 repeats!)

daniel-klein commented 7 months ago

Nice investigation! In that last example, it looks like the cache-based approach is cheating as the random numbers are pre-computed and all that is required is a look-up, is that right? It seems the pure numpy route is doing more work, actually computing random numbers in the loop. I might be missing something?

daniel-klein commented 7 months ago

I thought this issue was going to be about hash-based random number generators (which do not require any caching), see:

Widynski, Bernard. “Squares: A Fast Counter-Based RNG.” arXiv, March 13, 2022.

cliffckerr commented 6 months ago

A lookup is fine as long as the lookup itself is pseudorandomized. For example, if a given sim uses N random numbers, one could imagine generating N random numbers at the beginning of the sim and then just using them sequentially to avoid multiple calls to the generator (not CRN-safe, of course!). But beyond that, if you have a "sufficiently large" number of random numbers, it should be fine to reuse them -- if you use the same random number for infection probability of agent 258 on timestep 3 as death probability for agent 7244 on timestep 29, that shouldn't make any difference to the results, unless the indexing isn't sufficiently pseudorandomized (e.g. agent 258 always gets the 258th 'random' number!).

Open question is whether random number generation is a big enough proportion of overall simulation time to make this worthwhile exploring/implementing -- my sense is that it probably isn't.