starsimhub / styleguide

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Consider additional linters #7

Open cliffckerr opened 1 year ago

cliffckerr commented 1 year ago

From @JSchripsema-IDM :

Flake8-dunder-all Would this help the "researchers don't know how to write Python as modules? Often an issue when I try to turn on the doc build Flake8-requirements Would this help with the dependency/version issues the docs encounters sometimes? Pep8-naming I could see this being needed in the emodpy space

Extensions for checking docstrings.

[darglint]( - Check that the docstring description matches the definition.
[flake8-docstrings]( - Include checks provided by pep257.
[flake8-rst-docstrings]( - Validate Python docstrings as reStructuredText (RST).
[flake8-spellcheck]( - Spellcheck variables, classnames, comments, docstrings etc.
[flake8-sphinx-links]( - Check docstrings for double backticked strings which should be links to the Python documentation.

flake8-rst - Checks on code in *.rst files or in docstrings.

nitpick - Enforce the same lint configuration (flake8, isort, mypy, pylint) across multiple Python projects.


Type annotations

Pandas-vet, since we often have pandas problems? flake8-rst - Checks on code in *.rst files or in docstrings.


(better than sphinx doc-test?) Html linkcheck

Darglint uses google style by default

Grammar/style specific linters • Vale • Woke • Write-good • Sublime lint (? Can I add writing ones? Doesn't seem like it, but there is an rst linter) • Sphinx-lint

JSchripsema-IDM commented 1 year ago

@RCarter-IDM, see this ticket for additional info on linter work