starskyzheng / panpop

Application of pan-genome for population
MIT License
87 stars 8 forks source link #31

Closed pengyan19 closed 4 months ago

pengyan19 commented 5 months ago


cannot create tmpdir: /run/user/32160! at /public/home/pengyan/biosoft/panpop/scripts/ line 128.

starskyzheng commented 5 months ago


Please note that the default temporary directory is configured as /run/user/UID. Should this directory not exist on your system, you will need to specify an alternative directory by modifying the memory_tmp_dir parameter in configs/base.yaml.

pengyan19 commented 5 months ago

你好,我是设置了memory_tmp_dir: "/public/home/pengyan/biosoft/panpop/tmp" 但是还是报错: cannot create tmpdir: /run/user/32160! at /public/home/pengyan/biosoft/panpop/scripts/ line 128.

starskyzheng commented 5 months ago


pengyan19 commented 5 months ago


Building DAG of jobs... Using shell: /usr/bin/bash Provided cores: 1 (use --cores to define parallelism) Rules claiming more threads will be scaled down. Job stats: job count min threads max threads

SVIM_asm_call_1_map 1 1 1 SVIM_asm_call_2_sort 1 1 1 SVIM_asm_call_3_index 1 1 1 SVIM_asm_call_4_haploidrun 1 1 1 all 1 1 1 aug_merge_dp2_infos 1 1 1 aug_realign0 1 1 1 aug_realign0_filldp 1 1 1 cal_aug_dp 4 1 1 concat_inv 4 1 1 consensus 2 1 1 consensus_inv 2 1 1 cuteSV_call 1 1 1 fill_aug_dp 4 1 1 filter_parse 4 1 1 filter_raw_vcf_by_depth 1 1 1 gen_merge_mask 3 1 1 merge_callers 4 1 1 merge_samples 1 1 1 merge_samples_filldp 1 1 1 merge_samples_genlist 1 1 1 merge_samples_genlist_filldp 1 1 1 merge_vcf_same_pos 2 1 1 pbsv_call 1 1 1 pop_realign2 1 1 1 pop_realign3 1 1 1 pop_split_by_type 2 1 1 pop_thin11 1 1 1 pop_thin12 1 1 1 pop_thin21 1 1 1 pop_thin22 1 1 1 pop_thin31 1 1 1 pop_thin32 1 1 1 pop_thin33 1 1 1 realign1 4 1 1 realign12 4 1 1 realign2 4 1 1 realign3 4 1 1 sort_vcf 37 1 1 sort_vcf_tbi 10 1 1 split_snp_indel_sv 4 1 1 svim_call 1 1 1 thin11 4 1 1 thin12 4 1 1 thin21 4 1 1 thin22 4 1 1 thin32 4 1 1 vcf2poss 1 1 1 total 144 1 1

Select jobs to execute...

[Fri Mar 29 08:53:01 2024] rule realign1: input: 04_consensus_vcf/s1/02.merge_vcf_same_pos.sorted.vcf.gz, Ref.fa output: 04_consensus_vcf/s1/03.realign1.unsorted.vcf.gz log: logs/3.03.s1.realign1.log jobid: 87 reason: Missing output files: 04_consensus_vcf/s1/03.realign1.unsorted.vcf.gz wildcards: sample=s1 resources: tmpdir=/tmp, mem_mb=40000, mem_mib=38147

    perl /public/home/pengyan/biosoft/panpop/scripts/ --chr_tolerance --in_vcf 04_consensus_vcf/s1/02.merge_vcf_same_pos.sorted.vcf.gz --out_vcf 04_consensus_vcf/s1/03.realign1.unsorted.vcf.gz --ref_fasta_file Ref.fa --threads 1 --level 1 --skip_mut_at_same_pos 2 --ext_bp_min 100 --ext_bp_max 400 --first_merge >>logs/3.03.s1.realign1.log 2>&1

[Fri Mar 29 08:53:05 2024] Error in rule realign1: jobid: 87 input: 04_consensus_vcf/s1/02.merge_vcf_same_pos.sorted.vcf.gz, Ref.fa output: 04_consensus_vcf/s1/03.realign1.unsorted.vcf.gz log: logs/3.03.s1.realign1.log (check log file(s) for error details) shell:

    perl /public/home/pengyan/biosoft/panpop/scripts/ --chr_tolerance --in_vcf 04_consensus_vcf/s1/02.merge_vcf_same_pos.sorted.vcf.gz --out_vcf 04_consensus_vcf/s1/03.realign1.unsorted.vcf.gz --ref_fasta_file Ref.fa --threads 1 --level 1 --skip_mut_at_same_pos 2 --ext_bp_min 100 --ext_bp_max 400 --first_merge >>logs/3.03.s1.realign1.log 2>&1

    (one of the commands exited with non-zero exit code; note that snakemake uses bash strict mode!)

Shutting down, this might take some time. Exiting because a job execution failed. Look above for error message Complete log: ../../.snakemake/log/2024-03-29T085210.746502.snakemake.log

starskyzheng commented 5 months ago

Try this: I did not tested this branch yet. Your feedback is welcome!

biochristmas commented 5 months ago

Hello, I encountered the same error. Has this issue been resolved? If so, how was it resolved?

pengyan19 commented 5 months ago

还是不行,感觉这个临时文件设置对于 脚本没用

starskyzheng commented 5 months ago


biochristmas commented 5 months ago

image image

biochristmas commented 5 months ago

This is my error message. I have already followed your suggestion to modify memory_tmp_dir to an existing directory under my user directory. image image

biochristmas commented 5 months ago

Could you please give me some advice on how to resolve an error? Thank you very much.

starskyzheng commented 5 months ago

Hi biochristmas, The branch you used was not starskyzheng-patch-1 (url: Could you try this branch and then give a feedback?

biochristmas commented 5 months ago

Sure, I'll give it a try and provide you with a response. Thank you very much.

biochristmas commented 5 months ago

image Hello, I still encountered errors even though I used the version you specified. How can I resolve this?

biochristmas commented 5 months ago


biochristmas commented 5 months ago

Hello, I made further adjustments in the "base.yaml" file of the patched version, modifying the memory_tmp_dir parameter to "/data/myaccount/panpop/tmp" and creating the directory. After rerunning it, the error was successfully resolved. I sincerely appreciate your guidance.

starskyzheng commented 5 months ago

Thanks for feedback. This brach has been merged into main branch.