As of the time of posting, it is possible to successfully load files but upon saving, regardless of if the loaded file was edited or not, attempting to save leaves the progress hung, and does not complete. Pictured from bottom to top is a random file i attempted to edit after closing the latest version of firefox 3 separate times and deleting the part files to recreate said bug. Can't seem to cancel them either.
And as a disclaimer I wasnt doing anything, egregious. I was editing something to be smaller.
As of the time of posting, it is possible to successfully load files but upon saving, regardless of if the loaded file was edited or not, attempting to save leaves the progress hung, and does not complete. Pictured from bottom to top is a random file i attempted to edit after closing the latest version of firefox 3 separate times and deleting the part files to recreate said bug. Can't seem to cancel them either.
And as a disclaimer I wasnt doing anything, egregious. I was editing something to be smaller.