start-5 / TiTS.JS-Save-Editor

Trials in Tainted Space Save Editor
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Missing genitalia type? #81

Open Wortzenhein opened 1 year ago

Wortzenhein commented 1 year ago

I know it's probably stupid to bring up? Or maybe paranoia, but I noticed the mothrine penis type is missing in the editor, wondering if that could be added? Also uhh first time actually using Github so, sorry if I did anything wrong

start-5 commented 1 year ago

You're right, that type is missing, and from what I'm seeing probably others. There are some checks missing for types that are a little harder to catch.

Wortzenhein commented 1 year ago

Ya, that was the one I was aware of, though I did think others were but just couldn't remember what ones. Just kinda surprised that one was missed cause it's on the main wiki for trials haha. Sorry if that sounds rude... didn't mean that

kanjiirahlni commented 4 months ago

I just made a thread about this issue too, didn't realize you made one.