start-jsk / hrpsys

An OpenRTM-aist-based robot controller. This package is the most tailored for humanoid (dual-arm and/or biped) robots for historical reason.
2 stars 10 forks source link returns empty /tmp/create_changelog.rst #130

Closed 130s closed 10 years ago

130s commented 10 years ago
$ rm -fr build devel
$ catkin_make
$ rosrun hrpsys 
$ more /tmp/create_changelog.rst
$ cd %TOP_CATKIN_WORKSPACE%/build//start-jsk/openrtm_common/hrpsys/build/hrpsys-base-source
$ git log
(shows the log older than it's supposed to be)
130s commented 10 years ago

Found workaround; do the following BEFORE the clean catkin_make.

$ roscd hrpsys
(Edit Makefile.hrpsys-base)