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ros bridge does not publish any topics when st is enabled and robot is on the ground #690

Open garaemon opened 9 years ago

garaemon commented 9 years ago

Sometimes ROS bridge does not publish any topics when st is enabled and robot is on the ground.

If I hang robot off the ground, ROS bridge works again.

If I disable st and re-enable st, ROS bridge works again even though robot is on the ground.

garaemon commented 9 years ago

hrpsys does not output anything unusual.

garaemon commented 9 years ago

Today I found similar problem. 1) rostopic echo /lfsensor outputs in 1-0.001 Hz. it's super slow. 2) Remove robot from tne ground, /lfsensor topic gets back to normal. 3) I ran rtprint hrp2007c:15005/sh.rtc:rfsensorOut with robot standing on the ground and while rtprint outputs something, rostopic echo /lfsensor works well (!)

It looks like RTM/CORBA problem?

garaemon commented 9 years ago

I found that servo off -> servo on solves this issue.

Following steps does not resolve this issue.

garaemon commented 9 years ago

I found that ports which does not output anything are connected via hrpsys.connectPorts and the ports which keep working are connected via rtcon.connect_ports.

hrpsys.connectPorts sets several default value, it might be a problem.

I will keep digging this issue.

garaemon commented 9 years ago

diff for testing: Use rtmlaunch instead of sensor_connect

diff --git a/hrpsys_ros_bridge/launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch b/hrpsys_ros_bridge/launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
index 838dc03..ff46b6f 100644
--- a/hrpsys_ros_bridge/launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
+++ b/hrpsys_ros_bridge/launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
@@ -65,8 +65,26 @@
   <node pkg="hrpsys_ros_bridge" name="hrpsys_profile" type="" args="$(arg omniorb_args)"
         if="$(arg USE_HRPSYS_PROFILE)"/>

+  <!-- Use rtconnect instead of sensor_ros_bridge_connect -->
   <node pkg="hrpsys_ros_bridge" name="sensor_ros_bridge_connect" type=""
-        args="$(arg MODEL_FILE) $(arg SIMULATOR_NAME) HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0 $(arg nameserver) $(arg omniorb_args)" output="$(arg OUTPUT)"/
+        args="$(arg MODEL_FILE) $(arg SIMULATOR_NAME) HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0 $(arg nameserver) $(arg omniorb_args)" output="$(arg OUTPUT)"
+        if="false" />
+  <rtconnect from="RobotHardware0.rtc:rfsensor" to="HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:rfsensor" subscription_type="new" />
+  <rtconnect from="rmfo.rtc:off_rfsensor" to="HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:off_rfsensor" subscription_type="new" />
+  <rtconnect from="sh.rtc:rfsensorOut" to="HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:ref_rfsensor" subscription_type="new" />
+  <rtconnect from="RobotHardware0.rtc:lfsensor" to="HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:lfsensor" subscription_type="new" />
+  <rtconnect from="rmfo.rtc:off_lfsensor" to="HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:off_lfsensor" subscription_type="new" />
+  <rtconnect from="sh.rtc:lfsensorOut" to="HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:ref_lfsensor" subscription_type="new" />
+  <rtconnect from="RobotHardware0.rtc:gsensor" to="HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:gsensor" subscription_type="new" />
+  <rtconnect from="RobotHardware0.rtc:gyrometer" to="HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:gyrometer" subscription_type="new" />
+  <rtconnect from="RobotHardware0.rtc:rhsensor" to="HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:rhsensor" subscription_type="new" />
+  <rtconnect from="rmfo.rtc:off_rhsensor" to="HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:off_rhsensor" subscription_type="new" />
+  <rtconnect from="sh.rtc:rhsensorOut" to="HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:ref_rhsensor" subscription_type="new" />
+  <rtconnect from="RobotHardware0.rtc:lhsensor" to="HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:lhsensor" subscription_type="new" />
+  <rtconnect from="rmfo.rtc:off_lhsensor" to="HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:off_lhsensor" subscription_type="new" />
+  <rtconnect from="sh.rtc:lhsensorOut" to="HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:ref_lhsensor" subscription_type="new" />
   <!-- BEGIN:openrtm connection -->
   <env name="SIMULATOR_NAME" value="$(arg SIMULATOR_NAME)" />
   <node name="rtmlaunch_hrpsys_ros_bridge" pkg="openrtm_tools" type="" args="$(find hrpsys_ros_bridge)/launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.l
garaemon commented 9 years ago

looks better than before if I applied the patch above.

Default parameter in connectPorts is not good?

garaemon commented 9 years ago

usint rtshell does not solve this issue

garaemon commented 9 years ago

Problem of state holder?

garaemon commented 9 years ago

@snozawa Can we use other port which do not belong to stateholder such as robot hardware?

snozawa commented 9 years ago

@snozawa Can we use other port which do not belong to stateholder such as robot hardware?

For what port? Basically, we cannot replace StateHolder ports by RobotHardware ports, because

garaemon commented 9 years ago

Ooops, sorry I misunderstood. We are using force sensors from robot hardware.