starwing / lua-protobuf

A Lua module to work with Google protobuf
MIT License
1.71k stars 388 forks source link

循环引用场景下会导致stack overflow #250

Open Water-Melon opened 10 months ago

Water-Melon commented 10 months ago
local pb = require "pb"
local protoc = require "protoc"

assert(protoc:load [[
   message Phone {
      optional string name        = 1;
      optional int64  phonenumber = 2;
      optional Person item        = 3;
   message Person {
      optional string name     = 1;
      optional int32  age      = 2;
      optional string address  = 3;
      repeated Phone  contacts = 4;
   } ]])

local data = {
   name = "ilse",
   age  = 18,
   contacts = {
      { name = "alice", phonenumber = 12312341234 }
data.contacts[1].item = data

local bytes = pb.encode("Person", data)


lua: a.lua:26: stack overflow (message too many levels)
stack traceback:
    [C]: in function 'encode'
    a.lua:26: in main chunk
    [C]: ?


starwing commented 10 months ago
