starze / openhab2

Configuration files for my openHAB2 installation. Including Modbus communication with Nilan(R) heatpump and Astro bindings.
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cant seem to read software version #4

Open arjepsen opened 6 years ago

arjepsen commented 6 years ago

Hey. I got a Nilan VP18 heatpump, and your files works great for the most part - thanks for sharing! One small issue I have, is that I can't seem to get the major, minor and versionrelease software version. For the life of me I can't figure out why, but when I try to use the functions to read those values, I get "null". Any help?

Regards Anders

starze commented 6 years ago

Hi Anders, Unfortunately, I have the same problem. I think it is due to the data type text. Probably these fields have a different register size than Nilan_Bus_Version. I stopped trying after a few attempts because the version was not so important to me. Here are some good starting points:

arjepsen commented 6 years ago

Hey – you managed to get me thinking.

I’m not too much into all the programming stuff, but I started wondering why the registers would be read wrong.

There’s a mentioning of “2-character ascii text”, which got me thinking.

For a quick test, I changed the type to “uint-8” instead of the default uint-16

And whaddayaknow

Now it lists major version: “2.”

minor version “36”

Now the last value ought to list as “.a”

But that one isn’t working (yet).

Will fiddle som e more with it.



Fra: starze [] Sendt: 28. maj 2018 21:34 Til: starze/openhab2 Cc: arjepsen; Author Emne: Re: [starze/openhab2] cant seem to read software version (#4)

Hi Anders, Unfortunately, I have the same problem. I think it is due to the data type text. Probably these fields have a different register size than Nilan_Bus_Version. I stopped trying after a few attempts because the version was not so important to me. Here are some good starting points:

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starze commented 6 years ago

Did you get it? I was wondering if that last version part "a" is really wrong or if it is their normal Version Schema. I tried your suggestion with "utf8" but unfortunately that doesn't work for me. I am still getting "-". I would appreciate a pull request or code snippet with your changes. Maybe there is a difference in the sitemap or items config, too?

Best regards Starze

arjepsen commented 6 years ago

Actually, I don’t think I got it anyway.

I managed to get openhab to show the software numbers – same as on the small controller for the Nilan heatpump.

However I then ran into some trouble around the changes I made to the config files didn’t seem to “take”.

There seems to be a cache somewhere, and I couldn’t quite reset that, so I ended up simply reinstalling the whole OS and openhabian. (I’m running it on a nanopi neo +2)

After I reinstalled, I couldn’t get it to show those numbers again L

I think the reason openhab was able to show them in the first place, is related to me first using the python scripts to read those numbers.

But on my new installation I’m having trouble with the whole python and pip setup.

Hope this info can help.



Fra: starze [] Sendt: 5. juni 2018 20:57 Til: starze/openhab2 Cc: arjepsen; Author Emne: Re: [starze/openhab2] cant seem to read software version (#4)

Did you get it? I was wondering if that last version part "a" is really wrong or if it is their normal Version Schema. I tried your suggestion with "utf8" but unfortunately that doesn't work for me. I am still getting "-". I would appreciate a pull request or code snippet with your changes. Maybe there is a difference in the sitemap or items config, too?

Best regards Starze

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