stasel / WebRTC

Unofficial distribution of up to date WebRTC framework binaries for iOS and macOS
356 stars 75 forks source link

Naming issue with legacy WebRTC #67

Open PITV420 opened 1 year ago

PITV420 commented 1 year ago

Hi! So this week I tried to wrap up custom audio engine and audio unit (AVAudioEngine and AVAudioUnit) to be compatible with LiveKit situation and unfortunately, the single one file in this wrapper, called RTCAudioDevice.h cause a conflict with legacy WebRTC (Specs for Swift language to be specific) and does not allow to use this repo with LiveKit situation. Also it turned out that rebuilding framework with custom name is so slow and is too much of a headache then tailoring RTCAudioDevice and corresponding ObjC file in WebRTC. Please check on this issue and if that wouldn't be much of an issue and won't break multiple repos that uses this one, it might be worth it changing naming or at least give moduleAlias in the package