stashapp / stash

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[Feature] Fingerprints submission tracked client-side #3196

Open dsrtusr88 opened 1 year ago

dsrtusr88 commented 1 year ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. I frequently use the Identify + RenameOnSave functions to clean up my library in the blind. By doing so, I lose track of what submissions I have submitted fingerprints for.

Describe the solution you'd like I would like for Fingerprints submissions to be tracked on the client side vice the individual browser session as it currently is. This would allow for the ability to filter out what has or has not already been submitted.

Describe alternatives you've considered The workarounds I've used so far are just not toggling the 'set cover image' option on Identify so I can eye-ball what got the cover photo update through the manual tagger option (where I likely also submitted prints in the same operation).

Additional context This would pave the way to getting more ability to query prints submitted and show all scenes where the divergence off the current standard has grown enough to take a re-look at what was matched/submitted, thus enhancing the quality of the overall db.

Flashy78 commented 1 year ago

It's a specific design decision not to allow fingerprint submissions when matched using the Identify task since Identify will randomly pick a result when more than one match is returned from StashDB. Submitting those matches would simply make the incorrect hash problem worse. Please do not submit fingerprints unless you've manually verified that they are correctly matched.