stashapp / stash

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[Feature] Create schedule task script #4966

Closed David-Maisonave closed 2 weeks ago

David-Maisonave commented 3 weeks ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Problems When stash-win.exe is running, it creates a DOS window that continues to be displayed, instead of running in the background. When I reboot my machine, I have to remember to startup stash-win.exe.

Solution Add a script to the .stash folder that will create a schedule task.

I've created a generic script which can perform this task. Here's the batch script:

set XML_File=CreateScheduleTaskForStash.xml
if exist %XML_File% del /Q %XML_File%

echo ^<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?^>>> %XML_File%
echo ^<Task version="1.2" xmlns=""^>>> %XML_File%
echo   ^<RegistrationInfo^>>> %XML_File%
echo     ^<Author^>%USERDOMAIN%\%USERNAME%^</Author^>>> %XML_File%
echo     ^<URI^>\Stash_Run^</URI^>>> %XML_File%
echo   ^</RegistrationInfo^>>> %XML_File%
echo   ^<Triggers^>>> %XML_File%
echo     ^<TimeTrigger^>>> %XML_File%
echo       ^<Repetition^>>> %XML_File%
echo         ^<Interval^>PT1H^</Interval^>>> %XML_File%
echo         ^<StopAtDurationEnd^>false^</StopAtDurationEnd^>>> %XML_File%
echo       ^</Repetition^>>> %XML_File%
echo       ^<StartBoundary^>2020-01-01T01:00:00^</StartBoundary^>>> %XML_File%
echo       ^<Enabled^>true^</Enabled^>>> %XML_File%
echo     ^</TimeTrigger^>>> %XML_File%
echo     ^<LogonTrigger^>>> %XML_File%
echo        ^<Enabled^>true^</Enabled^>>> %XML_File%
echo     ^</LogonTrigger^>>> %XML_File%
echo   ^</Triggers^>>> %XML_File%
echo   ^<Principals^>>> %XML_File%
echo     ^<Principal id="Author"^>>> %XML_File%
echo       ^<LogonType^>InteractiveToken^</LogonType^>>> %XML_File%
echo       ^<RunLevel^>LeastPrivilege^</RunLevel^>>> %XML_File%
echo     ^</Principal^>>> %XML_File%
echo   ^</Principals^>>> %XML_File%
echo   ^<Settings^>>> %XML_File%
echo     ^<MultipleInstancesPolicy^>IgnoreNew^</MultipleInstancesPolicy^>>> %XML_File%
echo     ^<DisallowStartIfOnBatteries^>true^</DisallowStartIfOnBatteries^>>> %XML_File%
echo     ^<StopIfGoingOnBatteries^>true^</StopIfGoingOnBatteries^>>> %XML_File%
echo     ^<AllowHardTerminate^>true^</AllowHardTerminate^>>> %XML_File%
echo     ^<StartWhenAvailable^>true^</StartWhenAvailable^>>> %XML_File%
echo     ^<RunOnlyIfNetworkAvailable^>false^</RunOnlyIfNetworkAvailable^>>> %XML_File%
echo     ^<IdleSettings^>>> %XML_File%
echo       ^<StopOnIdleEnd^>true^</StopOnIdleEnd^>>> %XML_File%
echo       ^<RestartOnIdle^>false^</RestartOnIdle^>>> %XML_File%
echo     ^</IdleSettings^>>> %XML_File%
echo     ^<AllowStartOnDemand^>true^</AllowStartOnDemand^>>> %XML_File%
echo     ^<Enabled^>true^</Enabled^>>> %XML_File%
echo     ^<Hidden^>false^</Hidden^>>> %XML_File%
echo     ^<RunOnlyIfIdle^>false^</RunOnlyIfIdle^>>> %XML_File%
echo     ^<WakeToRun^>true^</WakeToRun^>>> %XML_File%
echo     ^<ExecutionTimeLimit^>PT0S^</ExecutionTimeLimit^>>> %XML_File%
echo     ^<Priority^>7^</Priority^>>> %XML_File%
echo   ^</Settings^>>> %XML_File%
echo   ^<Actions Context="Author"^>>> %XML_File%
echo     ^<Exec^>>> %XML_File%
echo       ^<Command^>%CD%\stash-win.exe^</Command^>>> %XML_File%
echo     ^</Exec^>>> %XML_File%
echo   ^</Actions^>>> %XML_File%
echo ^</Task^>>> %XML_File%

schtasks /Create /XML %XML_File% /TN "Stash_Run"
schtasks /run /TN "Stash_Run"

As long as this script is executed in the same directory which stash-win.exe is in, it will create an XML file having the correct fully qualified path for the executable. The scheduled task will execute stash-win.exe on an hourly basis if stash-win.exe is not already running, and it will run it in the background. No DOS window displayed.

David-Maisonave commented 2 weeks ago

After updating Stash and rebooting my machine, the scheduler is no longer starting the task in the background. I'm closing this post until I can figure out what's going wrong.