stashed / stash

🛅 Backup your Kubernetes Stateful Applications
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backupjob for external MYSQL db is failing on init #1056

Open JannikZed opened 4 years ago

JannikZed commented 4 years ago

I'm currently trying out stash to backup our external MYSQL database (hosted digitalocean one). Unfortunately, the job is silently failing. While analysing the issue I see a failing init container:

  - containerID: docker://66870316ceadc56e4e5df0d2debb41cd4906cb5f128f4fdc35402c8f9dde9fe6
    image: stashed/stash-mysql:8.0.14
    imageID: docker-pullable://stashed/stash-mysql@sha256:276923201a8bc48fea40c7c43983ce5607983b6318c902d701e95779f9ccadd3
    lastState: {}
    name: mysql-backup-8-0-14-0
    ready: false
    restartCount: 0
        containerID: docker://66870316ceadc56e4e5df0d2debb41cd4906cb5f128f4fdc35402c8f9dde9fe6
        exitCode: 2
        finishedAt: "2020-02-24T11:50:10Z"
        reason: Error
        startedAt: "2020-02-24T11:50:10Z"

the container that gets created by the operator looks like this:

  - args:
    - backup-mysql
    - --provider=s3
    - --bucket=XXXXXXX
    - --region=
    - --path=stash-backup/mysql
    - --secret-dir=/etc/repository/secret
    - --scratch-dir=/tmp
    - --enable-cache=true
    - --max-connections=0
    - --hostname=host-0
    - --mysql-args=--all-databases
    - --namespace=backup
    - --appbinding=mysql-backup
    - --retention-keep-last=20
    - --retention-keep-hourly=0
    - --retention-keep-daily=0
    - --retention-keep-weekly=0
    - --retention-keep-monthly=0
    - --retention-keep-yearly=0
    - --retention-keep-tags=
    - --retention-prune=true
    - --retention-dry-run=false
    - --output-dir=/tmp/output

For sure, I also have a repository and an appbinding:

kind: Repository
  name: do-s3-repo
  namespace: backup
      endpoint: # use server URL for s3 compatible other storage service
      bucket: stash-XXXXXX
      prefix: stash-backup/mysql
    storageSecretName: do-s3-backup-auth
kind: AppBinding
  name: mysql-backup
  namespace: backup
    url: mysql://
    name: do-managed-mysql-admin
  type: mysql

What am I doing wrong? Furthermore, why isn't there any issue visible? Kubernetes shows the backup session as running all the time:

NAME                             INVOKER-TYPE          INVOKER-NAME          PHASE     AGE
mysql-backup-config-1582545005   BackupConfiguration   mysql-backup-config   Running   9m30s
mysql-backup-config-1582545308   BackupConfiguration   mysql-backup-config   Running   4m27s

Any assistance highly appreciated ;)

hossainemruz commented 4 years ago

@JannikZed What is your Stash version?

hossainemruz commented 4 years ago

What is the output of the following command?

kubectl logs -n backup <backup job's pod> --all-containers
JannikZed commented 4 years ago

Hi there, I just installed stash with version 0.9.0 rc4. The logs:

I0224 12:05:08.541173       1 log.go:172] FLAG: --alsologtostderr="false"
I0224 12:05:08.541940       1 log.go:172] FLAG: --appbinding="mysql-backup"
I0224 12:05:08.542160       1 log.go:172] FLAG: --bucket="stash-prod-backup"
I0224 12:05:08.542361       1 log.go:172] FLAG: --enable-analytics="true"
I0224 12:05:08.542566       1 log.go:172] FLAG: --enable-cache="true"
I0224 12:05:08.542791       1 log.go:172] FLAG: --endpoint=""
I0224 12:05:08.543040       1 log.go:172] FLAG: --help="false"
I0224 12:05:08.543338       1 log.go:172] FLAG: --hostname="host-0"
I0224 12:05:08.543566       1 log.go:172] FLAG: --kubeconfig=""
I0224 12:05:08.543763       1 log.go:172] FLAG: --log-flush-frequency="5s"
I0224 12:05:08.543967       1 log.go:172] FLAG: --log_backtrace_at=":0"
I0224 12:05:08.544166       1 log.go:172] FLAG: --log_dir=""
I0224 12:05:08.544368       1 log.go:172] FLAG: --logtostderr="true"
I0224 12:05:08.544566       1 log.go:172] FLAG: --master=""
I0224 12:05:08.544753       1 log.go:172] FLAG: --max-connections="0"
I0224 12:05:08.544945       1 log.go:172] FLAG: --mysql-args="--all-databases"
I0224 12:05:08.545156       1 log.go:172] FLAG: --namespace="backup"
I0224 12:05:08.545367       1 log.go:172] FLAG: --output-dir="/tmp/output"
I0224 12:05:08.545585       1 log.go:172] FLAG: --path="stash-backup/mysql"
I0224 12:05:08.545772       1 log.go:172] FLAG: --provider="s3"
I0224 12:05:08.545975       1 log.go:172] FLAG: --region=""
I0224 12:05:08.546194       1 log.go:172] FLAG: --retention-dry-run="false"
I0224 12:05:08.546380       1 log.go:172] FLAG: --retention-keep-daily="0"
I0224 12:05:08.546615       1 log.go:172] FLAG: --retention-keep-hourly="0"
I0224 12:05:08.546806       1 log.go:172] FLAG: --retention-keep-last="20"
I0224 12:05:08.547139       1 log.go:172] FLAG: --retention-keep-monthly="0"
I0224 12:05:08.547339       1 log.go:172] FLAG: --retention-keep-tags="[]"
I0224 12:05:08.547542       1 log.go:172] FLAG: --retention-keep-weekly="0"
I0224 12:05:08.547743       1 log.go:172] FLAG: --retention-keep-yearly="0"
I0224 12:05:08.547967       1 log.go:172] FLAG: --retention-prune="true"
I0224 12:05:08.548167       1 log.go:172] FLAG: --scratch-dir="/tmp"
I0224 12:05:08.548363       1 log.go:172] FLAG: --secret-dir="***REDACTED***"
I0224 12:05:08.548576       1 log.go:172] FLAG: --service-name="stash-operator"
I0224 12:05:08.548761       1 log.go:172] FLAG: --stderrthreshold="0"
I0224 12:05:08.548973       1 log.go:172] FLAG: --v="0"
I0224 12:05:08.549211       1 log.go:172] FLAG: --vmodule=""
W0224 12:05:08.762857       1 client_config.go:541] Neither --kubeconfig nor --master was specified.  Using the inClusterConfig.  This might not work.
panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
[signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x10 pc=0x130995e]

goroutine 1 [running]:*mysqlOptions).backupMySQL(0xc00044e240, 0xc0007355e0, 0x0, 0x0)
    /src/pkg/backup.go:166 +0x44e, 0xc0002d4000, 0x0, 0x17, 0x0, 0x0)
    /src/pkg/backup.go:74 +0x185*Command).execute(0xc0002cca00, 0xc0001cfe00, 0x17, 0x18, 0xc0002cca00, 0xc0001cfe00)
    /src/vendor/ +0x460*Command).ExecuteC(0xc0002cc500, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0)
    /src/vendor/ +0x2fb*Command).Execute(...)
    /src/cmd/stash-mysql/main.go:40 +0x7b
Error from server (BadRequest): container "update-status-1" in pod "stash-backup-mysql-backup-config-1582545904-0-xf8pb" is waiting to start: PodInitializing
hossainemruz commented 4 years ago

Please uninstall previous Stash version and try this installing by this:

$ helm repo add appscode
$ helm repo update

$ helm install stash-operator appscode/stash \
  --version v0.9.0-rc.4 \
  --namespace kube-system \
  --set operator.tag=v0.9.0-rc.6
JannikZed commented 4 years ago

I tried it out and the job container is now running with image appscode/stash:v0.9.0-rc.6 - still I get the same error.

hossainemruz commented 4 years ago

Can you please show the YAML of your AppBinding?

JannikZed commented 4 years ago

sorry, I copied it in one file on issue creation. Here again:

kind: AppBinding
  name: mysql-backup
  namespace: backup
    url: mysql://
    name: do-managed-mysql-admin
  type: mysql
hossainemruz commented 4 years ago

Yeah. That's the problem. We haven't handled providing url instead of service reference in client-config yet.

hossainemruz commented 4 years ago

In this case, you have to create a Service pointing to your external DB and use that Service in AppBinding.

These articles might help:

JannikZed commented 4 years ago

ok! I just got it out of the docs.. let me try it with a service now. I created a service called do-managed-mysql that is just pointing to the URL

I get now the following output:

I0224 14:15:18.722958       1 commands.go:365] sh-output: null

I0224 14:15:18.723717       1 commands.go:120] Backing up stdin data
[golang-sh]$ mysqldump -u backup-user -h do-managed-mysql --all-databases | /bin/restic_0.9.6 backup --stdin --quiet --json --stdin-filename dumpfile.sql --host host-0 --cache-dir /tmp/restic-cache --cleanup-cache
mysqldump: Got error: 2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'do-managed-mysql' (110) when trying to connect
Fatal: unable to save snapshot: snapshot is empty

seems like the backup job is not trying to use the correct hostname?

JannikZed commented 4 years ago

Appbinding like this:

kind: AppBinding
  name: mysql-backup
  namespace: backup
      name: do-managed-mysql
      port: 25060
      scheme: mysql
    # url: mysql://
    name: do-managed-mysql-admin
  type: mysql
hossainemruz commented 4 years ago

So, now Stash is unable to connect with the MySQL. Can you please make sure that the database is accessible from inside the cluster using that Service?

JannikZed commented 4 years ago

I was trying around a little bit and to me it just seems like you are forgetting to use the port settings. I started a mysql-client pod in the same namespace and copied exactly this command: mysqldump -u backup-user -h do-managed-mysql --all-databases- which is not working. The moment I'm adding a -P 25060 and a -p it's working just fine.