staskobzar / vue-audio-visual

VueJS audio visualization components
MIT License
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Waveform component playtime click loses precision in smaller sizes #84

Open juan-carvajal opened 2 years ago

juan-carvajal commented 2 years ago

Hi! first I wanted to thank you for your library. It has proven very useful in the last few days and I have been able to build cool stuff with it. I am currently using your waveform component to integrate a player into my site. Like this: image Nothing weird there, the waveform behaves as expected. The problem comes when I test the component in smaller screen sizes.

When I reduce the screen size, a click, let's say in the middle of the waveform, put the playtime at 25 %, something like this: image (You can see where I clicked with the star icon, but the playtime went far behind that.

As I intend to use the site mostly in mobile devices this may be an major inconvenience, do you happen to know any workarounds?

staskobzar commented 2 years ago

Hello, This is probably because the dimensions inside the component are not recalculated. Is it ok when you reload the page after resize?

juan-carvajal commented 2 years ago

Hello, This is probably because the dimensions inside the component are not recalculated. Is it ok when you reload the page after resize?

Nope, that example right there was with the site refreshed.

staskobzar commented 2 years ago

I can not recreate this problem. When I go to the demo site and change the page size or dimensions with google chrome dev tools everything works as expected. Provide you code or exact steps on how to reproduce it. thanks

juan-carvajal commented 2 years ago

I can not recreate this problem. When I go to the demo site and change the page size or dimensions with google chrome dev tools everything works as expected. Provide you code or exact steps on how to reproduce it. thanks

This is my vue components (this component is then used inside other components such as cards and dialogs.

The fit class applied to the canvas is just 100% on both width and height.

I am running Vue3 with typescript.

  <div v-if="audioSource">
      style="display: none"

<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, ref } from 'vue';
export default defineComponent({
  props: {
    audioSource: {
      type: String,
      required: true,
  setup() {
    const audioRef = ref<HTMLAudioElement>();

    function playAudio() {
      if (audioRef.value) { => {

    function stopAudio() {
      if (audioRef.value) {
        void audioRef.value.pause();

    return { audioRef, playAudio, stopAudio };
  watch: {
    audioSource: {
      immediate: true,
      handler(value: string) {
        if (!value) {

