stat157 / analyzers

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Subgroup MDA timeline #4

Open teresita opened 10 years ago

teresita commented 10 years ago

2013-11-19 Tuesday

Create skeleton code in an ipython notebook to plot aftershock arrival times, binned by magnitude (arbitrary bin sizes for now). Magnitude in the x-axis, Time in the Y-axis. This will give us a rough idea of what the function will look like.

2013-11-21 Thursday

Iterate upon aftershock-arrival plotting code to take the curators' sample data as input. Try different bin sizes (e.g. binning in magnitude ranges of 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, etc.).` See if we can expand on the 2013 catalog to include more years.

2013-11-26 Tuesday

Further iterate on aftershock-arrival plot. Fine-tune the plotting code to decluster arrival times (e.g. using median arrival times per magnitude-bin). We will come up with methods to analyze the overall distribution of arrival times, in hopes of fitting a function through the points we've plotted.

2013-12-03 Tuesday

Identify the data source (earthquake catalog) we'll be using; make sure our code can handle the size of the data. Negotiate with curators to ensure we are incorporating their work (and that they're meeting our needs for input sources). Communicate with visualizers to make sure we're meeting their needs in terms of our output.

2013-12-05 Thursday

Use our finely-tuned aftershock-arrival plot to attempt to identify better MDA functions. Per Chris's suggestion, approach people with strong math backgrounds; ask "what function does this look like?"

2013-12-10 Tuesday

Finalize our ipython notebook for the presentation. Have a set of functions that perform well (hopefully better than MDA) to show.