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Office hours with Professor Stark (on this Friday, November 15 at 1:30pm in 371 Evans) #35

Open gnolnait opened 10 years ago

gnolnait commented 10 years ago

Hi all, I ran into Professor Stark yesterday and took the opportunity to schedule office hours for us on this Friday, November 15 at 1:30pm in his chair office 371 Evans. I know many of us had a lot of questions to ask so please come if you can as he will soon be out of the country for a while.


johnrisko commented 10 years ago

We should maybe organize a list of what to ask him beforehand so he doesn't feel bombarded by our whole class approaching him. Maybe tomorrow in class, we can aggregate a list of q's for him.

rerock commented 10 years ago

I will be going. Post your question here, if you can't make it to the office hour and would like an answer from him.