stat157 / questionnaire

Stat 157 Questionnaire Data Wrangling
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Using Git to collaborate on files #40

Open reenashah opened 10 years ago

reenashah commented 10 years ago

Is anyone familiar with how to use Git on the command line to collaborate on files and send requests? Anyone using git effectively to collaborate with their teams?

kqdtran commented 10 years ago

NOTE from @aculich : I am going to edit this entry because it duplicates documentation that already exists elsewhere and because as written here it may be a little confusing.

For this homework assignment use the Share Repository model:

To set up collaborators in your group you can use these instructions:

Collaborators on your repository will have the same write-access that you have, so both they and you can write to the same repository.

You'll want to run git pull on your own repository frequently if other members of your group are pushing to github so that you can pull what they push.

aculich commented 10 years ago

Have you gone through the github tutorial we recommended at the start of the class? You may want to walk through it a few more times to get the hang of it:

Also, if you want a more in-depth tutorial you can try this:

Also, we can spend some time in office hours to help you master the basics and think about the strategies you'd like to use working as a group.