stat157 / questionnaire

Stat 157 Questionnaire Data Wrangling
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RE: Barriers Group 4 Encountered #58

Open jest4pun opened 10 years ago

jest4pun commented 10 years ago

1) Communication: To effectively communicate in code we created our own channel on IRC (#statpacker) 2) Technical: My Mac did not have enough gigabytes to host a virtual machine and run IRC, Chrome, terminal, Adium, and related applications to the course. So with the help of my group mate, I installed Ipython and its related dependancies on my Mac until I find a long-term solution, for the data will only increase in size. 3) Technical: One of our members (visualizer) had a difficult time downloading the repository from GIthub, so another one of members(technical) sent her the code so that she could generate the graphs 4) Communication: The presenter was not wholly aware of Aaron's directions for the assignment. The curator, therefore, sent him an e-mail, delineating that the process is equally as important as the end result. Aaron emphasized that he would prefer imperfect presentations with reproducibility, than a perfect presentation with no transparency. 5) Communication: Our technical is well-read in computer languages. He helped our visualizer install matplotlibrary and its related dependencies so she could visualize the cleaned data.

aculich commented 10 years ago

@jest4pun This is a really fantastic write-up of the roadblocks and takeaways that you encountered! It's really great to see that you worked together to overcome technical barriers, that you focused on communication by creating your own channel, verifying my expectations and ensuring others in your group understood. I'm looking forward to seeing your presentation tomorrow and hearing more about your process!