stat231-f20 / Blog-ESPN

Repository for PUG Blog Project – ESPN
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Update 2: Data Wrangling #2

Open druparel22 opened 3 years ago

druparel22 commented 3 years ago

During the past week, our goal was to finish the data wrangling and start the shiny app. We did in fact complete this goal, with some challenges along the way. We questioned how we would run the code if the data we used was saved to one team member's repository, but then realized we should load it to our team repository rather than our individual one. After we figured out our issues there, we worked together in wrangling the data, and worked towards coming up with a more clear idea of what our App would present while working on the data wrangling. Once the data wrangling was complete, we created the app.R file and began to work on our app.

katcorr commented 3 years ago

Glad to hear you're making good progress and keeping pace with your intended schedule. What did you decide for your clearer Shiny app plans in terms of what you would present?

Can you push your latest work from app.R and the datasets to this blog repo? I see an app.R file, but it's empty (no lines), and I don't see the datasets.

Update 2: 5/5