stat231-f20 / Blog-ESPN

Repository for PUG Blog Project – ESPN
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Update 3: 1st Plot for App #3

Open druparel22 opened 3 years ago

druparel22 commented 3 years ago

During the past few days, ESPN worked on creating the first plot for the app. Unfortunately, we are a little behind schedule, due to the fact that our csv files were quite large and had trouble pushing the data wrangling / app to GitHub. Thus, it was difficult to see any edits and continue with the progress we made, and needed to copy and paste code from emails in order to run the code, rather than just pulling from GitHub. However, during class today we solved the problem and are on our way to making our 2nd plot for our app, and making edits to our first plot so that the visualization is more clear for users. The only way we can get back on schedule is to work a bit harder both in and out of class to make up for the time lost, and dedicate more time for our project. But we believe we should have no problem doing that.

katcorr commented 3 years ago

@seandube @druparel22 @NathanTatko

Sounds good, team! I see that you were able to get a picture of a football field set as the background of your ggplot -- awesome! You noted you're making edits to your first plot so the visualization is more clear -- probably this is what you were thinking, but just some of my thoughts: you may want to change the colors of the points from the default to make them stand out better against the green grass; you can also make the point size larger by adding size = 3 within geom_point() (any number > 1 would make it bigger). Alternatively, you could use shape instead of (or in addition to) color to distinguish the outcomes.

I look forward to your second plot, and blog post!

Update 3: 5/5