stat231-f20 / Blog-Healthy-Heroes

Repository for PUG Blog Project – Healthy Heroes
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Update 1 #1

Open katcorr opened 3 years ago

katcorr commented 3 years ago

[ copied over from your Shiny repo ]

We’re planning on looking at a new topic for our final project. We are interested in analyzing the relationship between carbon emission by state and respiratory diseases. We want to see if states with higher carbon emission rates have higher percentages of those with respiratory diseases than those with lower carbon emission rates. We also want to look at the social demographics (race, income, educational attainment, etc.) of these states and how they compare with both the carbon emission rates and the respiratory disease mortality rates. We will download data files from the CDC, EIA, and the US census and wrangle them into a single .csv file.

We intend for our blog to link to a published Shiny app with multiple data displays relating to carbon emissions. We also wish to incorporate an interactive map or a choropleth to display region-specific carbon emission and health data for our app. Finally, we hope to complete a write-up of our findings and how we analyzed them.

By the following dates...

(11/6) Update 1: We’ve finished gathering and wrangling the data and writing our blog post introduction/thesis.

(11/10) Update 2: We’ve completed the simpler data displays, and have begun work on our Shiny app, which will include an interactive map.

(11/15) We’ve completed the project; we will use the remaining days to practice presenting.

(11/20) We’ve submitted our final blog post after addressing class feedback.

katcorr commented 3 years ago

@chuckman218 @mrouhana22 @liztran23

Excellent idea, team! This new direction for your blog post project sounds interesting and important.

This is great -- I look forward to your blog post!

Update 1: 10/10

liztran23 commented 3 years ago

This week we worked on completing the blog steps for testing our website. We also continued working on a draft of our introduction on a shared Google Doc. While we planned on having some simple data displays, we weren't able to complete them because of some internet problems. We're planning on catching up this week as well as during our class session on Thursday.

katcorr commented 3 years ago


Update 3: 5/5