stat231-s21 / Blog-The-Naturers

Repository for PUG Blog Project – The Naturers
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Update 1 #1

Open zamiller20 opened 3 years ago

zamiller20 commented 3 years ago

For our initial blog project proposal we are hoping to build off our mid-semester project. Our new project idea includes wanting to focus on the topic of spatial data and building a shiny app to display our findings. Ultimately through our different visualizations we are hoping to be able to answer questions such as how can identifying locations and outputs of renewable energy decisions influence policy decisions? How can the insights we find lead to reducing Co2 emissions within different states? What sorts of renewable energies are already present within different states and how can that help lead to what sorts of renewable energies get adopted in the future? How has the adoption of renewable and nonrenewable energies changed overtime? Within our new shiny app we are first hoping to use some of our old data but use it to create different choropleth maps that will show co2 emissions and energy production within each of the states within the US. We are also hoping to create an interactive table that allows one to see the actual production numbers of the different renewable energy types for each state, which will also be an extension of our previous shiny app. Finally, by working with new data, we plan to create leaflets plots to show the locations of different types of renewable energy plants and nonrenewable energy plants within the US (similar to one that can be found at ( This will involve us finding and wrangling new data and turning it into a form that we will then use to create a new interactive leaflet plot. By focusing on these main questions, we are hoping they will guide us in using our spatial data and other visualizations to answer some of these key questions.

Sources to our new data can be found here: Nuclear Wind Hydroelectric Solar Geothermal Coal Natural Gas Petroleum

Schedule By Tuesday the 4th: Get all new data wrangled plus have made progress on plots By Tuesday the 11th: Have all our plots finished and start writing out most of our blog post By Tuesday the 18th: Have almost a final draft of the blog post, adding any feedback from our presentation by the next day.

katcorr commented 3 years ago

@zamiller20 @gchickering21 @LorraineOloo

Sounds like a nice extension of your Shiny project, and should make for an interesting blog post! The spatial focus is a great idea. Regarding your schedule, I would encourage you to have more detailed plans (not necessarily limited to the class's checkpoints), e.g., do you plan to meet on a weekly or biweekly basis, and/or plan to communicate through other means?

Update 1: 10/10

zamiller20 commented 3 years ago

So far we have wrangled all of our new data that we are going to be using. In addition, we started making a leaflet plot using the new data, which includes all of the different energy production plants on a map of the US. We still need to add information for when you click on a plant in the plot, as well as changing color of the dot depending on the energy type. In addition, we started working on summary tables to go with the leaflet plot with the information on how much energy is produced at each plant, as well as where it is located. We also started working on our choropleth maps, one of them is done as of now, and the others will be done this week. We believe we are on track to where we wanted to be with the project. By next Tuesday we hope to be done with all of the plots and have started working on writing the blog project. We will also be meeting sometime over the next week as a group but have yet to figure out a time when we can all meet.

katcorr commented 3 years ago

@zamiller20 @gchickering21 @LorraineOloo

Great, glad to hear you're on track with the schedule you originally set!

Update 2: 5/5

zamiller20 commented 3 years ago

We have now made most of the visualizations we wanted, but have some more polishing to make them look better. The choropleths are done except for changing color schemes/titles. The leaflet plot is almost done, with some minor adjustments still needing to be made. We have a rough outline of what we want the blog post to look like but have not really started on writing anything for it. We are slightly behind schedule due to the end of the semester being busy. We plan on making this up by meeting on Friday and Sunday to work on the post as a group, as well as meeting on Monday to finish up and record the presentation.

katcorr commented 3 years ago

@zamiller20 @gchickering21 @LorraineOloo

sounds good!

update 3: 5/5