stat231-s21 / Blog-VIVACIOUS-VAXXERS

Repository for PUG Blog Project – VIVACIOUS VAXXERS
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Updates #1

Open c1araaa opened 3 years ago

c1araaa commented 3 years ago

UPDATE #1: For our final project, we will not be building upon our mid-semester project, but instead looking at the social impacts of the pandemic specifically on Asian- and Black-American populations. Through our mid semester project we realized that the current available data surrounding vaccinations isn't all that great; however, we still wanted to focus on COVID and the sociopolitical effects of the pandemic which have a multitude of public health implications. Additionally, this past year has brought the prevalence of anti-Black and anti-Asian hate crimes and violence to the forefront of many American minds. This issue is not just a social one but greatly impacts health, and as of early April, the CDC has declared racism as a threat to public health.

By analyzing both demographic, health, and social data (such as social media metrics), our group aims to explore how the past pandemic year has impacted both the mental and physical health of our chosen population. Our guiding questions are:

  1. How has the pandemic impacted access to healthcare/social services?
  2. How has the pandemic impacted mental health?
  3. Have popular social movements such as #StopAsianHate or #BlackLivesMatter had an impact on health outcomes?

From our mid-semester experience, we understand that we will not be able to address all of these questions from one dataset/source. We are currently looking at utilizing Pew Research survey data, CDC data, Twitter data (using TwitteR), Google trends data, and additional data from Data World. With the data we collect we hope to create an interactive leaflet spatial visualization, both bar and histogram visualizations, and word clouds using the text data collected.

Schedule for our group's progress

katcorr commented 3 years ago

@c1araaa @Bkwon23 @lewisayodele17

This sounds like a interesting and important new direction for the final project, and I look forward to your blog post!

Update 1: 10/10

c1araaa commented 3 years ago

UPDATE #2: We are hoping to dedicate more serious time to this project in the coming days. Our group members were all swamped with other classes last week (i.e., Clara had thesis deadline and thesis defense, and Ayo and Brandon had their organic chemistry exam). Our schedules are much more free starting today and onwards and are hoping to make substantial progress!

We decided on our datasets (in the data file) and are planning to start wrangling and cleaning up the datasets. We are meeting as a group on Thursday to outline our blog post and make a detailed plan about how were are going to proceed with putting the blog post together.

katcorr commented 3 years ago

@c1araaa @lewisayodele17 @Bkwon23

Congrats on being done with your thesis defense, Clara, and your organic chemistry exams, Ayo and Brandon! Despite not being able to dedicate as much time as you may have liked last week to the data wrangling, it sounds like you have a good plan going forward.

Update 2: 5/5

c1araaa commented 3 years ago

UPDATE #3: We achieved most of the work that we wanted to! We are slightly behind as we aimed to finish our blog post by our presentation date, even though we have more time afterward to complete it. We are coming to be more realistic with our goals and decided to try our best to make an as complete blog post by our presentation date on Thursday but we can finalize and perfect our blog post after presenting and before the official deadline.

We planned for a group meeting tomorrow, May 12th at 8-10 pm EST in hopes to come together and finalize everything and prepare for our presentation on Thursday!

katcorr commented 3 years ago

@c1araaa @lewisayodele17 @Bkwon23

sounds good!

Update 3: 5/5