stat231-s23 / blog2-populist-campaigns

Lexy García
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Proposal: Populist Campaign Analysis #1

Open acgarciajim opened 1 year ago

acgarciajim commented 1 year ago

This project will utilize a dataset composed of Donald Trump’s campaign speeches across 35 different rallies spanning from December 2019 through August 2020. This blog page will use textual analysis and visual output to highlight repeated themes and phrasing used across Trump’s campaign trail. This type of analysis helps illustrate how populist rhetoric can be geared toward mobilizing a movement, such as the “Make America Great Again” (“MAGA”) movement heavily associated with the Trump presidency, and later, the January 6th riot upon the United States’ Capitol Building.

I am currently considering data-scraping more speeches for comparison. If possible, I’m also interested in comparing populist politician Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ campign speeches with Trump’s to highlight how their rhetoric varies. Another further consideration is juxtaposing Biden’s campaign speeches with Trump’s leading up to the 2020 elections.

I anticipate delivering a RMD analysis; however, I'm still brainstorming interactive elements I could introduce via a Shiny application, and I'm open to any ideas or feedback.

Expected progress schedule:

katcorr commented 1 year ago

Aw, too bad your other idea to analyze the script of a TV show wouldn't work! You mentioned in your email it would take too much to scrape, but I wonder if there might be a dataset already that contains the script of a TV show (or music lyrics) you're interested in? For example, I think I've seen Tidy Tuesday datasets that have scripts from The Office and Friends; I wonder if there's others out there too. But perhaps you already searched that and there aren't?

Totally fine to do what you propose here, I just want to make sure you're working on something you're interested in (and as you mentioned, if it could be light-hearted and fun, that'd be great).

Proposal: 10/10

acgarciajim commented 1 year ago

Status Update #1

I am running a little behind on data scraping further complementary speeches, but I have done a little bit (but not all) of the preliminary data wrangling I intended by tomorrow's goal. I may have enough data with the 35 speeches, but I will revisit that this weekend. I'm going to adjust this checkpoint to this weekend, 04/21-23, just because I have every major assignment in every other class due tomorrow, and I didn't anticipate how much more time I would like to have budgeted for this data collection considering all of my deadlines. I have a good feeling that I'll progress into preparing my analysis over the weekend given my current progress and my capabilities.

katcorr commented 1 year ago

Ok! I don't see any code or data in this repo? Please keep your work on this project in this repo

Update 1: 4/5