stat545ubc-2021 / mda-elza4125

mda-elza4125 created by GitHub Classroom
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Milestone 2 Feedback #6

Open iciarfernandez opened 2 years ago

iciarfernandez commented 2 years ago

Hey Elizabeth,

Overall, you did a great job on your Milestone 2. Please see detailed feedback below and don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. Keep up the good work!

Reproducibility, readability, and repo organization (RRR):

Excellent work! Your repo is well organized and only contains the files that are required, you made sure that your work was viewable from GitHub and that the plots render properly, and you provided good context to a visitor in your README file. This is what we expect to see from any repository on GitHub! No need to push your .Rproj file to your GitHub repo though, you can just keep that on your local copy. One thing I noticed is that you forgot to push the folder with the plots from the previous milestone so the plots are still not being rendered on that one, make sure to update that for milestone 3 as you do get graded for the project as a whole as part of the last milestone! :)

Task 1:

Task 2:

Thanks, Icíar