statamic-rad-pack / mailchimp

Mailchimp integration for Statamic
MIT License
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Subscribers not being added to the audience #52

Closed MikeHarrison closed 3 years ago

MikeHarrison commented 3 years ago


I have the addon installed and running locally, and believe I have everything set up correctly. However when I fill in my form, the subscribers are not being added to Mailchimp.

What is the best way of diagnosing what is happening here? Thanks for any help - please let me know if I can provide any futher info.


edalzell commented 3 years ago

Let's see your config file

MikeHarrison commented 3 years ago

Sure (API key is in there on the real thing):



return [

     * If you want to add to your mailchimp audience when a user registers, set this to `true`
    'add_new_users' => true,

     * The form submissions to add to your Mailchimp Audiences
    'forms' => [
            'audience_id' => 'aaed3f7760',
            'disable_opt_in' => false,
            'check_consent' => false,
            'consent_field' => 'consent',
            'form' => 'mailchimp',
            'merge_fields' => [
                    'tag' => 'NAME',
                    'field_name' => 'name',
                    'field_name' => 'email',
                    'tag' => 'C_EMAIL',
            'tag' => null,
    'api_key' => '******************************',
edalzell commented 3 years ago

And let's see the form fieldset please.

MikeHarrison commented 3 years ago

This is the fieldset that is added by the page builder:


title: 'Newsletter Signup'
    handle: heading
      input_type: text
      display: Heading
      type: text
      icon: text
      listable: hidden
    handle: outro_text
    field: common.text_basic
        - bold
        - italic
        - unorderedlist
        - orderedlist
        - removeformat
        - anchor
        - superscript
      display: 'Outro Text'
      instructions: 'The small piece of text that appears after the signup form'
    handle: thank_you_message
    field: contact_form.thank_you_message
        - bold
        - italic
        - unorderedlist
        - orderedlist
        - removeformat
        - anchor

This is my mailchimp.yaml in resources/blueprints/forms:

    display: Main
        handle: name
          input_type: text
          display: 'Name'
          type: text
          icon: text
          listable: hidden
        handle: email
          input_type: email
          display: Email
          type: text
          icon: text
          listable: hidden
            - required

And this is the _newsletter_signup.antlers.html which is in resources/views/page_builder/

<div class="container text-darkblue">
    <h2 class="
    font-light text-xl md:text-2xl lg:text-3xl xl:text-4xl text-center
    sm:col-span-10 sm:col-start-2
      {{ heading | widont }}
    <div class="col-span-12 sm:col-span-10 sm:col-start-2 mb-4">

      {{ form:mailchimp class="md:flex md:items-end md:justify-around" }}
        {{ if success }}
        <div class="prose text-darkblue text-center text-xl">
          {{ thank_you_message | widont }}
        {{ else }}

        <div class="mb-8 md:mb-0 flex-grow md:mx-2 lg:mx-4">
    <label for="name" class="block mb-1 text-darkblue">Name:</label>
    <input class="shadow-none w-full transition duration-200 bg-white p-2 rounded-lg focus:outline-none border border-mono-200 focus:border-darkblue" type="text" id="name" name="name" value="{{ old:name }}" />

  <div class="mb-8 md:mb-0 flex-grow md:mx-2 lg:mx-4">
    <label for="email" class="block mb-1 text-darkblue">Email Address:<span class="text-red-700 ml-1">*</span></label>
    <input required="required" class="shadow-none w-full transition duration-200 bg-white p-2 rounded-lg focus:outline-none border border-mono-200 focus:border-darkblue" type="email" id="email" name="email" value="{{ old:email }}" />

  <div class="md:mx-2 lg:mx-4">
    <button class="focus:outline-none inline-flex items-center uppercase w-auto text-white text-center bg-darkblue px-4 py-2 rounded-lg hover:bg-lightblue hover:border-lightblue transition duration-200 border border-darkblue">Send</button>

    {{ /if }}

  {{ /form:mailchimp }}

    <div class="col-span-12 sm:col-span-10 sm:col-start-2">
      <div class="prose text-center mx-auto text-sm text-darkblue">
        {{ outro_text }}

Sorry, more information than you asked for but thought I would try and cover everything!

edalzell commented 3 years ago

how are you testing? You've got disable_opt_in set to false so Mailchimp will send a confirmation email first, are you getting those?

MikeHarrison commented 3 years ago

I am filling in the form, which looks to be submitting as the message in the {{ if success }} is appearing. Then nothing else happens - no email from Mailchimp, and nothing in the Mailchimp dashboard to indicate anything has happened.

edalzell commented 3 years ago

Can you please zip up your site and send it to me?

edalzell commented 3 years ago

@MikeHarrison please update and try again.

edalzell commented 3 years ago

merge fields were required.