statamic / cli

Install and manage your Statamic projects from the command line.
71 stars 19 forks source link

Can't create a new site on Windows 11 #74

Open the-goodies opened 1 month ago

the-goodies commented 1 month ago
statamic new example

              $$\                $$\                             $$\
              $$ |               $$ |                            \__|
  $$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\    $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\    $$$$$$\   $$$$$$$$$$\  $$\  $$$$$$$\
  $$  _____|\_$$  _|   \____$$\_$$  _|   \____$$\  $$  _$$  _$$\ $$ |$$  _____|
  $$$$$$\     $$ |     $$$$$$$ | $$ |     $$$$$$$ |$$ / $$ / $$ |$$ |$$ /
   \____$$\   $$ |$$\ $$  __$$ | $$ |$$\ $$  __$$ |$$ | $$ | $$ |$$ |$$ |
  $$$$$$$  |  \$$$$  |\$$$$$$$ | \$$$$  |\$$$$$$$ |$$ | $$ | $$ |$$ |\$$$$$$$\
  \_______/    \____/  \_______|  \____/  \_______|\__| \__| \__|\__| \_______|

In Prompt.php line 379:

  Prompts is not currently supported on Windows. Please use WSL or configure a fallback.

new [--dev] [--license [LICENSE]] [--local] [--with-config] [--without-dependencies] [-p|--addon [ADDON]] [-f|--force] [--] <name> [<starter-kit>]
jasonvarga commented 1 month ago

You can require version 2.6.0 until we fix this on Windows.

composer global require statamic/cli:2.6.0