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E-Mail-Templates: Field value for asset field contains references to all images in Volume and crashes SendMail jobs #10631

Open mnlmaier opened 1 month ago

mnlmaier commented 1 month ago

Bug description

Hi guys, here's another bug which took me literal days and an accidental variable dumping to figure out. On a production site, we are facing the problem of constant SendMail job crashes because of timeouts. This only happened if asset fields were part of the form.

The assets will not be attached directly to the email. Instead, they are placed in an Asset Container form_uploads and the links to the respective files will be rendered into the email template.

Now, back to the crash. Locally and in our Staging Environments, everything was working as expected. On live though, no emails were sent. Turns out, when Assets are passed into the mail template, references to all images which are stored in the asset volume are passed into the template as well. This very large dataset obviously crashes the job, since we have about 20k assets just happily hanging around in the file system.

I don't know if this is intended, but I would guess (and hope) it's not :) Sure, purging the Volume solves the problem, but it's only masking the problem and not solving the issue itself.

How to reproduce


No response


Application Name: ..
Laravel Version: 10.48.11
PHP Version: 8.3.1
Composer Version: 2.7.7
Environment: production
Debug Mode: OFF
URL: ...
Maintenance Mode: OFF

Config: CACHED

Broadcasting: log
Cache: statamic
Database: mysql
Logs: stack / single, flare
Mail: smtp
Queue: redis
Session: file

Addons: 7
Antlers: runtime
Sites: 4 (...)
Stache Watcher: Enabled
Static Caching: full
Version: 4.58.2 PRO

Statamic Addons
aryehraber/statamic-color-extractor: 1.4.0
aryehraber/statamic-uuid: 2.3.0
ddm-studio/cookie-byte: 1.5.0
handmadeweb/statamic-laravel-packages: 1.0.5
jonassiewertsen/statamic-documentation: 1.10.0
statamic-rad-pack/shopify: 3.3.1
swiftmade/statamic-clear-assets: 2.0.1


Starter Kit using via CLI

Additional details

No response

duncanmcclean commented 1 month ago

Hi guys, here's another bug which took me literal days and an accidental variable dumping to figure out. On a production site, we are facing the problem of constant SendMail job crashes because of timeouts. This only happened if asset fields were part of the form.

How big are the files being uploaded via the form?

mnlmaier commented 1 month ago

Hi @duncanmcclean, not really that large. Mostly just images, ranging around 0,5-10mb. Occasional videos, largest file is 45mb. Uploading works as espected, too, no problems in the CMS. Only the rendering of the mail template is what's causing issues.

I have now moved most of the files out of the volume, and Mails are delivered as expected. So I guess it's really the quantity of the files.

duncanmcclean commented 1 month ago

This very large dataset obviously crashes the job, since we have about 20k assets just happily hanging around in the file system.

Ah, just re-read your issue now and realised that's a lot of assets. 🤔

When you have a lot of assets, the Stache implementation for assets isn't the most performant. Usually, at that point we'd recommend looking at moving assets into the database using the Eloquent Driver.

The Eloquent Driver will keep an index of the files in the database, which makes it much quicker for querying.

Alternatively, you could "up" the timeout for your queue. If you're using Forge or Ploi, I believe there's a setting for the timeout where you configure the queue worker.

mnlmaier commented 1 month ago

@duncanmcclean sure, i understand that upping the timeout or moving the asset index somewhere else might prevent the obvious timeout issue. i don't think it fixes the underlying problem, though — why would i need a reference to every asset in the container while rendering the urls of a handful of uploaded assets (in my example, i needed to render links to 4 uploaded images) in the form notification?

that's about 20k references passed into the template to render 4 images, in other words, about 5000 times the asset references i actually need 🤕

i'm trying to figure out a way around this, but tbh, i don't really know where to start :/

duncanmcclean commented 4 weeks ago

Yeah, it shouldn't be referencing all assets, only the ones for the form submission. 🤔

Are you using a custom email template? If so, are you able to share it?

mnlmaier commented 3 weeks ago

@duncanmcclean Sure, I've been using Rob's Peak Form Template for ages. It's basically following this structure: — with a slight adjustment:

{{ fields }}
{{ if value && handle !== 'consent' }}
    <td style='vertical-align:top; font-family:"Helvetica", sans-serif; padding:5px; border-bottom:#e3e3da 1px solid; font-size:14px' valign="top">
        <strong>{{ trans key="{display}" locale="{site:locale}" }}:</strong><br>
        <pre style="white-space:pre-line; font-family:inherit; margin:0">
            {{ if fieldtype == 'assets' }}
                <ul>{{ value }}
                    <li><a href="{{ url }}" target="_blank">{{ permalink }}</a></li>{{ /value }}
            {{ else }}
                {{ if (value | is_array) }}
                        {{ value }}
                            <li>{{ value }}</li>
                        {{ /value }}
                {{ else }}
                    {{ value }}
                {{ /if }}
            {{ /if }}
{{ /if }}
{{ /fields }}

Let me know if you need more info :)

duncanmcclean commented 3 weeks ago

Hmm, that looks fine to me...

It might not be possible, but are you able to provide a .zip of the assets container the asset field is using? You can send it to us privately via